Roll out of the renewed Primary Framework in Luton Subject Leader CPD Session 1 25 th /26 th June 2007
Overall Objectives for CPD Sessions To support leadership and management to stimulate and maintain improvements in standards. To support leadership and management to stimulate and maintain improvements in standards. To create a clear set of outcomes for learning progression in literacy and mathematics. To create a clear set of outcomes for learning progression in literacy and mathematics. To bring an increased sense of drive and momentum to literacy and mathematics, involving higher expectations, increased pace and progression. To bring an increased sense of drive and momentum to literacy and mathematics, involving higher expectations, increased pace and progression. To link the use of the renewed Framework to school improvement foci. To link the use of the renewed Framework to school improvement foci.
“ LAs are supporting schools and settings with the effective implementation of the Framework for literacy and mathematics through briefings for headteachers, specific training programmes for school staff with responsibility for leading improvements in literacy and mathematics and through specific support on the teaching of early reading and implementing the recommendations of the Rose Report.” “ LAs are supporting schools and settings with the effective implementation of the Framework for literacy and mathematics through briefings for headteachers, specific training programmes for school staff with responsibility for leading improvements in literacy and mathematics and through specific support on the teaching of early reading and implementing the recommendations of the Rose Report.” Page 6 Primary Framework for literacy and mathematics
Our Approach Timings Timings Expectations Expectations Guidance Guidance Advice Advice
CPD Sessions
Agenda Introduction Introduction Session 1 Session 1 Refreshments Refreshments Session 2 Session 2 Lunch Lunch Sesssion 3 Sesssion 3 Refreshments Refreshments Session 4 Session 4 Close Close
History Literacy and Numeracy Strategies Literacy and Numeracy Strategies Primary Strategy Primary Strategy Renewed Framework Renewed Framework
Roles and Responsibilities National Standards for Subject Leaders Knowledge and understanding Knowledge and understanding Strategic direction and development of the subject Strategic direction and development of the subject Teaching and learning Teaching and learning Leading and managing staff with efficient and effective deployment of staff and resources Leading and managing staff with efficient and effective deployment of staff and resources Jigsaw activity
Key Theme Teaching and learning cycle: Review Teach Practise Apply Evaluate
Process Strategy Strategy Practical Practical
Where are we now? Five key areas: Encouraging flexibility Encouraging flexibility Structuring learning Structuring learning Raising expectations Raising expectations Effective use of assessment Effective use of assessment Broadening and strengthening pedagogy Broadening and strengthening pedagogy Pages 8-12 Primary Framework for literacy and mathematics Think, Pair, Share activity
Managing Change The focus for discussion: Sharing your experience of the breakout sessions Sharing your experience of the breakout sessions Deciding on a way forward Deciding on a way forward Drafting and action plan Drafting and action plan
Plenary Actions for schools and settings Review their current work in communication, language, literacy and mathematics; check their data in these areas; identify priorities in each area; address major weaknesses and then revise their implementation as they go, maintaining the focus upon the Framework to help raise achievement and improve standards Become familiar with the navigation and guidance offered by the electronic framework Use elements of the renewed Framework, including material and planning units that reflect the priorities arising from the review Incorporate the outcomes of the considered and searching reviews of the effectiveness of their current work in communication, language, literacy and in mathematics into improvement planning with an appropriately paced implementation of the renewed Framework to tackle the issues that have arisen Set out a calendar to tackle the issues highlighted How many of the actions have begun today?
Reflection “..the renewal marks an important step and brings new impetus and new structures that are a significant development rather than a repackaging of guidance that is already in place..” Primary Framework for literacy and mathematics