Points of View Do Now #3 What is the difference between third person omniscient and third person limited? Today’s Objective: Students will apply their knowledge of points of view by taking notes, Reader’s Workshop, and working collaboratively with 90% accuracy. Today’s Standards: Reading 3.5 Contrast points of view (first and third person, limited and omniscient, subjective and objective) in narrative text and explain how they affect the overall theme of the work.
Agenda Review homework Notes on points of view Reader’s Workshop Stations: Independent: Acheive3000 Collaborative: Point of view practice Exit Slip
Points of View A subjective person point of view is a personal view or opinion about something. Example: We went to see a very exciting movie about aliens. The stunts were amazing! An objective point of view gives only the facts, opinions are not included. Example: We went to see a movie about aliens. There were stunts in the movie.
Reader’s Workshop: Points of View As you are reading today, find an objective and a subjective statement. Write a sentence from your book of each point of view. Be ready to share your sentence and what point of view it is written in by the end of the reading time. We will now be reading independently. Remember, reading is thinking, so we must remain silent during this time.
Stations Independent Collaborative Log in to www.TeenBiz.com and complete one to two articles with at least 75% accuracy. You should have completed 7 activities with 75% accuracy on the first try by today! 2. I will be coming around to see how many activities you have completed and entering a grade. 4=6-7 activities, 3=4-5 activities, 2=2-3 activities, 1=0-1 activities Early finishers? - Complete any missing work - Read your Reader’s Workshop book Go to an approved website and complete any activity related to English Complete the point of view practice worksheet Early finishers? -Complete any missing work -Read your Reader’s Workshop book
Exit Slip Write your name, the date, and the period on a sheet or half sheet of paper Identify each sentence as either objective or subjective: 1. I hate doing homework because it is boring. I would much rather be playing video games or be outside with my friends. 2. Monday is the first day of the week that we have school.