CSC 110 – Intro to Computing Lecture 9: Computing Components
Announcements First set of experience pages due Feb. 23 Quiz solutions will be posted on course web page tomorrow
Central Processing Unit “Brains” of a computer Performs all of the calculations in the ALU Control unit directs system to run the various program(s)
Computer Memory Computers contain two types of memory ROM (Read-Only Memory) Once data written to ROM, it cannot be changed Contains small number of instructions that initialize computer and load operating system RAM (Random-Access Memory) What people mean when discussing computers “memory” Contents disappear when computer turned off
Stored Program Each byte in RAM has a unique address Each address is just a number from 0 to ??? Locations in RAM contain a binary number Number could be part of a program, picture, mp3, Word document… Each program directs processor how to interpret this information
Finding a Program Contents of RAM disappear when we turn off the power But I do not want to re-install Word each time I boot computer Solve this problem by storing programs on secondary storage devices E.g.,
Running a Program Hard drive 10000x slower than RAM Most of us are not this patient Other storage devices are even slower! Computer starts program by loading it into RAM Then uses executes the copy in memory But RAM is still 200x slower than CPU
Processor Cache Small amount of fast memory located on processor CPU stores most recently used instructions in this memory Programs spend most time re-executing small number of instructions What happens when program executes new instructions? Do not want CPUs running at 1/200 th speed
Fetch-Execute Cycle Processor run like assembly line Fetch Get instruction from memory and store in cache Decode Determine how processor will execute instruction Retrieve data used by instruction and store it in registers
Fetch-Execute Cycle Execute Perform the actions ALU executes math/logic functions Control unit handles “branch” instructions Processors use multiple ALUs so they can execute multiple instructions at once Retire Record outcome of instruction Write results back to memory Work like bucket brigade to do this quickly
Instruction Scheduling add sub add Instruction r 7 f 1 f d 2 f d e 3 f d e r 4 d e r 5 e r 6 Cycles needed w/o pipelining = 4 * 4 = 16 Cycles needed w/ pipelining = 7
Not All Instructions Are Equal Add and subtract: Easy Multiply: Not as easy Divide: Hard Check if any other program modified a specific memory address and, if it has not been modified, write a new value into that address: Priceless This is also VERY hard
Instruction Scheduling Processors take longer to execute harder instructions Example (actual times depends on CPU): Add takes 1 cycle Subtract takes 1 cycle Multiply takes 3 cycles Divide takes 5 cycles
Instruction Scheduling add sub mult add Instruction d e r 7 f 1 f d 2 f d e 3 f d e r 4 e 5 e 6 e r 8 r 9 Cycles needed w/o pipelining = 18 Cycles needed w/ pipelining = 9
Why is My Computer So Slow? If we only add & subtract numbers: Pipelining improves performance 2.125x When we also multiply numbers: Pipelining improves performance 2x Still an improvement, but not as good!
Mumble… Grumble… Stupid Hardware Problem is we have only one ALU Can only do one add, sub, mult, div, AND, OR, etc. at a time So, while our processor is busy multiplying Cannot execute other instructions… … which causes fetch & decode units to back up… … and causes our assembly line to stop Obvious solution: add another ALU
Woo-Hoo, More Hardware! add sub mult add Instruction e r 7 f 1 f d 2 f d e 3 f d e r 4 d e e 5 e 6 r 8 r 9 Cycles needed w/o pipelining = 18 Cycles needed w/ pipelining = 9
What Happened Adding an ALU had no impact! Must finish first instruction before retiring the next one What if we allow CPU to execute and retire instructions in any order? Imagine if we began with the multiply instruction
One More Time add sub mult add Instruction r 7 f 1 f d 2 f d e 3 f d e r 4 d e e 5 e r e 6 r 8 9 Cycles needed w/o pipelining = 18 Cycles needed w/ pipelining = 8
Success! Running instructions out-of-order reduces execution time by 6% Modern processors actually execute MANY instructions at once Even fancier things happen in a compiler (program which creates other programs) Compiler research also makes people smarter and more attractive
Your Turn What impact does 1 or 2 ALUs have on these instructions? How about executing in-order or out-of-order? add mult sub add div sub add mult sub add mult add sub div add div add div mult sub
Boolean Properties Law of Double Negation: PropertyANDOR Commutative a·b = b·aa+b = b+a Associative a·(b·c) = (a·b)·ca+(b+c)=(a+b)+c Distributive a·(b+c) = (a·b)+(a·c)a+(b·c) = (a+b)·(a+c) Identity a·1 = aa+0 = a Complement a·ā = 0a+ā = 1 DeMorgan a·b = ā+ba+b = ā·b Idempotency a·a = aa+a = a
For next lecture Relax and enjoy the (relative) break No quiz and no homework! Start reading Section 12 Be ready to discuss: Information systems and databases