Aliens don't wear braces No brace allowed!!! (for aliens only) Book by Debbie Dadey Response by pat burke Aliens don't wear braces
Eddie Eddie is a kid who doesn't care about school and is always getting in trouble. And one time he got in trouble and a new art teacher was there, she was a weirdo with braces. Then him and his friends Howie, Liza, and Melody try to fid out what's her deal.
««Melody Melody is one of the two girls in the bailey school kids. When Eddie first told her about the art teacher she got scared. But she is one of the main characters.
Liza Liza is always scared she got more scared then melody. Liza always gets bloody noses when she is scared. But she is also really smart.
Howie Howie is key since the team thinks Mrs. Zork is and alien and Howie’s dad knows a lot about aliens and UFOS. That is why Howie is important. Him and Eddie are the bravest of the four kids.
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