By: sierra lewis
Mars is the fourth planet from the sun
The inside of mars is very usual because, it has shield like volcanoes. The same volcanoes as seen on Hawaii. It has a valley that if put on earth it would stretch from New York to Los Angles. Its soil is made of iron, that explains the reddish color. It has many craters
The surface on mars is made of iron… that explains the red look of Mars
Mars has a thin atmosphere so thin that it barely protects the planet. So if a asteroid or space rock enters its atmosphere is puts a nice sized crater in the crust
Mars average temp. is about 67 is about the same temp. as earth so is warmer than mars
Mars has two moons named Phobos and Deimos.
Mars takes Earth days to orbit the Sun.
That there is a faces on the moon The aliens built the complex canals Mars had oceans Mars will appear as big as the moon Mars support intelligent life The surface is stained in blood