People’s Rights During WWI CHC2D8 Ms. Gluskin
Rights Rights are things that people are supposed to have to protect them. Not all Canadians were of British or French background. The smaller groups are called minority groups.
Questions Is the government ever justified in taking away people’s rights? – This means: was it ever the correct decision to take away people’s rights? Were members of minority groups treated unfairly?
Vocabulary Restrict (verb) = put limits on – Ms. Gluskin has tried to restrict your speaking of your first language in class. Enemy aliens (noun) = a label given to people from countries Canada was at war with (see page 45) – People from Germany were seen as enemy aliens during World War One. Spies (noun) = people who give secrets to other governments Internment camps (noun) = similar to prisons Discrimination (noun) = unfair treatment (see page 56) Prejudice (noun) = similar to discrimination Racism (noun) = discrimination against people because of the colour of their skin
Un-words Un = not Unfair Unrecognized Unappreciated Unwelcome Unequal
Words to Show Contrast Even though many minority groups were badly treated, they still contributed to the war. Despite their treatment, many minority groups contributed to the war in important ways. – This took a lot of guts (bravery) on their part.
Who are these people?
Women’s Rights The suffrage movement – minutes/nellie-mcclung minutes/nellie-mcclung Nellie McClung Did the war affect the fight to win the vote for women?
Vocabulary Suffrage (noun) = the right to vote – Women’s suffrage had been a big issue in Canada since the 1870s. Democracy (noun) = a form of government in which citizens elect their government – Canada is a democracy. Citizens have many democratic rights such as the right to vote and express their opinion. Federal (adjective) = the national level of government – The federal government is based in Ottawa. The provincial government is based in Toronto. Boost (verb) = improve – If you want to boost your marks you need to speak English in class! Widow (noun) = wife of a dead husband – A widow might be lonely after her husband’s death.
Page 46 Who had the right to vote in Canada before World War One? – What were members of the suffrage movement trying to get since the 1870s? – Why did their opponents say that women shouldn’t get the vote?
What does this timeline of women’s suffrage in Canada tell us?
Page 47 Which women got the right to vote in 1917? Who got the vote?Why?
Where are you on the scale? Did Borden really care about democracy or was he just trying to win an election? *_________________*___________________* He would do anything to win the election and stay in power whether he believed in it or not What label would you give this number? He truly believed that giving these women the vote was the right thing to do for democracy