Mr. Brosseau’s Quiz on: Poetry: Coleridge, Rossetti, Frost, and Dickinson Click here to continue!
Instructions Read all instructions completely Click the letter of the answer you believe is the most correct for each question. If you are correct, you will proceed to the next question If you are incorrect, you will go to a slide with a hint, and you can go back to the previous question using the button at the bottom of the hint slide. There are five questions in total, click the start button at the bottom of this slide to begin. Start!
Let’s start with an easy one What is the type of bird that the captain kills in “Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Albatross Raven Penguin Seagull A) B) C) D)
Try Again! Remember the poem occurs out at sea, which should narrow down the answer! And this bird is part of a common phrase, “____ around their neck” meaning a burden, just like in the poem! Back to Question 1
Good Job, keep it up What was the Victorian ideology mentioned in the podcast accompanying the “Goblin Market” assignment? Feminism Rossettian ideology House is not a home ideology Separate Sphere Ideology A) B) C) D)
Sorry! Hint time... The biggest hint I can give here is to relisten to the podcast! Also, look below. It may just help a little... Click me to go back in time, (to the last question) Or you can click here, That would work too.
Two down, three to go! (Two part question, watch out!) The Goblins in the “Goblin Market” were described like what, and what did they sell? Aliens, Jewelry Animals, Magic Beans Hobbits, Fruit Animals, Fruit A) B) C) D)
Try again The answer the part one, is in the second column. And part two’s answer is within the first (actually, one of the first lines!) Awesome Star Click it to return To question 3
Question Four Who wrote the two poems in the poetry comparison assignment. Robert Frost, Emilia Rossetti Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allen Poe Samuel Coleridge, Henry Thoreau A) B) C) D)
Sorry! Just check out the assignments page for this one, the answer is even in the title! Click my face to go back To question four
The Final Question How were the two poems in the last assignment similar? Both poems are written by men and cover topics like hunting and finishing – “manly” activities Both poems discuss the ease of life, how people carve paths for others to follow and following the ways of those other people help in the long term. Both discuss identity and self-fulfillment They both cover choosing one’s own path and acting as a leader. The poems both discuss and dwell on nature and while one discuss gender roles the other talks more about personal decisions and the effects and punishments of those decisions. A) B) C) D)
Take another stab at it Reread and analyze the two poems in the last assignment, or go over your notes from the assignment.. Click me to try that last One again
Congratulations! You did it! That’s five out of five. Even if it took you a few tries you got the correct answers and worked it out. Click the button below for your reward: (Make sure your speakers are on!)