Application number: 2(4.i) MIS-ETC Code: 774 EMERSYS Toward an integrated, joint cross-border detection system and harmonized rapid responses procedures to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear emergencies Workshop for stakeholders Information and consultation, Bulgaria, Albena, September, 2014
Application number: 2(4.i) MIS-ETC Code: 774 EMERSYS Date of Approval: Duration: 24 month ( July July 2015) Funding Programme: Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Project Cost: 6,428, Euro Project ERDF Funding: 5,071, Euro Romanian State Budget Contribution: 451, Euro Bulgarian State Budget Contribution: 325, Euro Project Status: Active Subsidy Contract signed on July 5, 2013
Lead Partner: “Horia Hulubei” National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), Romania Partners: General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (GIES), Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romania Directorate General for Fire Safety and Civil Protection (DGFSCP), Ministry of Interior, Bulgaria Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, (INRNE), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria EMERSYS PROJECT CONSORTIUM
Provide authorities from the entire cross-border area with means for the coordinated implementation of Community strategies and legislation as well as of bilateral- Conventions regarding emergency preparedness, planning and intervention in case of chemical, biological and radiological/nuclear (CBRN) emergencies. EMERSYS General objective: Main beneficiaries: -7 Romanian County Inspectorates for Emergency Situations and 8 Bulgarian Territorial Directorates for Civil Protection from the entire cross-border area along the Danube River. - Central and local public authorities in the cross-border area acting as emergency managers (County Governors and Councils, Majors and Local Councils) - 2 National research institutes
Repartition of project budget: % - Investment in specialized CBRN equipment % - Training of CBRN staff 7 % - Coordination of off-site intervention plans 5 % - Stakeholders information and publicity
Planned Results Local emergency units from the entire cross-border eligible area along the Danube river, endowed with specialised equipment for response to CBRN emergencies and applying common methodology for measurements, data processing and evaluation. Operational support capacity established at the level of central emergency authorities and technical/methodological support capacity established at the level of national research institutes. Harmonised contingency plans and procedures for intervention to CBRN emergencies over the entire cross- border area and collaboration protocol for border-crossing intervention. Interconnected emergency units from the entire cross-border eligible area along the Danube river and bilateral exchange of CBRN data operational. Unique CBRN decision support tool set-up and operational over the entire cross-border eligible area along the Danube river. Trained local trainers and trained staff for operation of CBRN technical capabilities. Informed stakeholders, project publicity performed, website operational both during and after project closure.
Obtained Results Procurement all equipment foreseen in the project for all partners and supplier ensure the training for their utilisation; Establish Work Instruction for any equipment used in interventions in CBRN emergency situations; It is in progress commonly platform for exchange the information and data among RO-BG intervention team and decision institutions; It is in progress activities for elaboration the commonly procedures/annexes to the Plan for intervention in CBRN emergency situations as common document for RO-BG teams The GIES and DGFSCP specialists discussion on scenarios for common exercise for intervention in CBRN emergency situation In the 4 quarter of 2014 will be issue a special number of the Romanian Journal of Physics with scientific works dedicated of the EMERSYS project in the area of interventions at CBRN emergency situations;.
Activities planned for near future IFIN-HH LP will organize the workshop for information and consultation of the stakeholders in Mehedinti county Romania in October 2014; In the period September 2014-March 2015 will be actions for organization the common exercise in intervention in CBRN emergency situations, common procedures, common Plan for intervention, common equipment and instruction for use, common platform for exchange data and information both in normal and emergency situations; (LP, P2, P3,P4) IFIN-HH (LP) and INRNE(P4) will prepare and organize the training session for members of the GISU and DGFSCP (November 2014-April 2015).
Activities planned for near future.
Thank you for your attention! Dr. Mitica DRAGUSIN EMERSYS Project Manager National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering-Horia Hulubei- IFIN-HH IFIN-HH, 30 Reactorului Street, Bucharest-Magurele, Ilfov, ROMANIA Investing in your future! Romania – Bulgaria Cross Border Cooperation Programme is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund