INFRAWEBS Intelligent Framework for Generating Open (Adaptable) Development Platforms for Web-Service Enabled Applications Using Semantic Web Technologies,


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Presentation transcript:

INFRAWEBS Intelligent Framework for Generating Open (Adaptable) Development Platforms for Web-Service Enabled Applications Using Semantic Web Technologies, Distributed Decision Support Units and Multi-Agent-Systems

Overview Name: Infrawebs Call Identifier: FP62003/IST/ Contract Number: Funding Programme: Information Society Technologies Start: August 2004 End: December 2006 Duration: 30 Months Total Budget: €3,135,550 UIBK Budget: €267,700 Number of Participants: 11 Project Coordinator: University Bochum, Germany Tel: Fax:

University Bochum,, Germany ITT – BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria SZTAKI – Budapest, Hungary ICCS - NTUA, Athens, Greece SIRMA, Sofia, Bulgaria Atos Origin, Madrid, SpainFUTUREtec GmbH, Germany UIBK – Deri, Innsbruck, Austria PROFIUM, Espoo, Finland Best-HP, Hewlett Packard, Italy Consortium

ABSTRACT The primary project objective is to develop an ICT framework, enabling software and service providers to generate open and extensible development platforms for web-service applications. The open platform consists of coupled and linked Infrawebs units, whereby each unit provides tools and adaptable system components to analyse, design and maintain web-services realised as Semantic-Web-Services within the whole life cycle. The Infrawebs units will be used to establish an open development and collaboration platform for SMEs and strong industrial suppliers for software and services. This offers a new dimension of collaborative work and service production, service provision and service maintenance in run-time environments.

OBJECTIVES To provide a comfortable and “easy to use” knowledge- brokering unit, Being used for analysis, design and composition of SW services within a collaborative workflow environment, and Supplemented with security and privacy preserving run- time and maintenance tools

State of the Art A state-of-the-art analysis has shown the lack of systems for effective collaboration in reconfigurable networks, as well as adaptable platforms for the design, deployment and maintenance of Web Service enabled applications. The present and existing software tools and systems are mostly incoherent and static, which in the majority of cases, is due to proprietary aspects or features preventing an effective adjustment and balancing of information pools. This is also a reason for missing re-configurability, adaptability and self-organising features of existing development and networking platforms.

VISION …The step from creating just "static" to creating and maintaining "dynamic" (semantic) web services through the machine-processability feature of semantically structured information sources and domains. To this end, a bridging of Web Services and Semantic Web technologies will be implemented in the context of rich semantic service descriptions and inferencing capabilities.

SWU OM & SIR 2 SWU OM & SIR SWU OM & SIR x.. 1 Knowledge- Base Layer ( Entity specific knowledge management, service extraction ) SWU OM & SIR 1 2 Service Development Platform Layer (partner side) 3 Service Deployment Layer (customer side) offered / deployed web services collaboration composing Coupling of the INFRAWEBS Units distributed platform for joint generation, execution & maintenance of SW Services

INFRAWEBS – adequate (AI) methods, open standards and contemporary approaches to fulfill required non-functional aspects Interoperability Adaptability Usability Scalability Stability Extensibility Composability Openness Ontologies (Semantic Web) Organizational Memories CBR based Design & Composing Distributed Decision Support Closed Loop Approaches QoS – Approaches Agent Based Discovery/Mediation WSMO – Open Specification

Client & ProviderBroker 2 – WS Description, Design 3 – WS Publishing (registry) 4 – Discovery 5 – Composition 5.1 Selection 5.2 Mediation/Adaptation 6 – Execution Support 6.1 Monitoring 6.2 Compensation / Replacement SIR -Semantic Information Router- RDF OM-S Organisational Memory similarity based SUA Service & User- Agents SWS- Discovery SWS-C Composer CBR SWS-D Designer CBR DDS - Distributed Decision Support DSWS-R Distributed SWS Repository SWS-E Executor QoS- Broker SIR-DSU Service specific Knowledge Extraction SWU - Semantic Web Service UnitOM / SIR - Organisational Memory & Semantic Information Router P2P- Net-Agent OM-RT Organisational Memory (Recom. Tool) SIR -LI Legacy- Interface SP- Security & Privacy WSDL / BPEL WSMO OM 1 – existing WS 1.1 – divs, docs, legacy descr. ontologies INFRAWEBS Global Design I

SWS-C Composer CBR DSWS-R Distributed SWS Repository DDS - Distributed Decision Support Unit a – advertising channel b – feedback channel QoS –> SWS-C SWS-E - Executor & Monitor SIR -Semantic Information Router- RDF a – advertising channel b – feedback QoS – “Quality of Service” Brokering loop Feedback (updating) Binding retrieve SWS CRPs (XXX) – Composing Rule Patterns monitoring data Example: QoS – Brokering – Closed Loop Approach