WHO is only used when referring to people. EXAMPLES Who is the best football player in the world? Who are your best friends? Who is that strange guy over.


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Presentation transcript:

WHO is only used when referring to people. EXAMPLES Who is the best football player in the world? Who are your best friends? Who is that strange guy over there? NOTE:TEACH THE USAGE OF QUERIES TO KIDS.

WHERE is used when referring to a place or location. EXAMPLES Where is the library? Where do you live? Where are my shoes? NOTE:TEACH THE USAGE OF QUERIES TO KIDS.

WHEN is used to refer to a time or an occasion. EXAMPLES When do the shops open? When is his birthday? When are we going to finish? NOTE:TEACH THE USAGE OF QUERIES TO KIDS.

WHY is used to obtain an explanation or a reason. EXAMPLES Why do we need a nanny? Why are they always late? Why does he complain all the time? NOTE:TEACH THE USAGE OF QUERIES TO KIDS.

WHAT is used to refer to specific information. EXAMPLES What is your name? What is her favourite colour? What is the time? NOTE:TEACH THE USAGE OF QUERIES TO KIDS.

WHICH is used when a choice needs to be made EXAMPLES Which drink did you order – the rum or the beer? Which day do you prefer for a meeting – today or tomorrow? Which is better - this one or that one? NOTE:TEACH THE USAGE OF QUERIES TO KIDS.

HOW is used to describe the manner that something is done. EXAMPLES How do you cook paella? How does he know the answer? How can I learn English quickly? NOTE:TEACH THE USAGE OF QUERIES TO KIDS.

a)Who is Mr.Johnson? January 14th b)Where do you play tennis? Our new English teacher c)When were you born? At the country club d)How many cousins have you got? It’s paul’s pen e)How much is it? 5 f)Whose pen is it? 25 Euros NOTE:MAKE THE KID TO MATCH THE TABLE

a)___ is your favorite singer?(who/what/which) b) ___ does Julie have her next class?(when/how/what) c) ___ strong are you?(how/what/where) d) ___ is the Eiffel Tower?(how/where/why) e) ___ is your favourite fruit?(which/why/how) f) ___ do your parents live?(which/why/where) g) ___ do you want to invite to your party?(who/how/where) NOTE:MAKE THE KID FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE APPROPRIATE WORD

1)books have many in bag how got you your? 2)is this object what strange.? 3)best is old your how friend? 4)can when your house we new visit? NOTE:MAKE THE KID reorder the sentences appropriately.