2 Overall 2012 ESF Budget Execution on 20/11/2012 Programmin g period 2012 Payment appropriation s mil.€ 2012 Consumption (workflow incl.) mil.€ Consumption/ Payment appropriations % (847*) 99% (177%*) (10.961*) 100% (134%*) TOTAL (11.808*) 99,9% (135,9%*) * incl. cost claims unpaid due to lack of credits
3 in € million YearDescriptionJanFebMarAprMayJunJul - AugSepOctNovDec Payment appropriations Convergence Competitiveness Total payments (in workflow incl.) / month Cumulated payments absolute (2012) Total cumulated relative0,57%12,22%24,99%37,05%53,94%62,91%91,42%96,04%99,98%100,00% 100% 2011Cumulated payments absolute (2011) Total cumulated relative0,08%7,04%11,06%22,72%27,85%35,08%60,55%91,68%97,64%99,95%99,99%100% 2010Cumulated payments absolute (2010) Cumulated payments relative0,86%5,95%7,66%12,80%17,66%20,00% 49,02%60,21%72,14%88,03%100% 2009Cumulated payments absolute (2009) Cumulated payments relative2,25%9,14%9,38%34,86%36,27%36,60%40,56%51,00%58,58%64,12%97,52%100% 2008Cumulated payments absolute (2008) Cumulated payments relative0,00%8,97%10,67%75,67%91,96% 92,04% 93,69%95,72%100% 2007Cumulated payments absolute (2007) Cumulated payments relative0,00% 0,33% 1,45%10,89%41,32%64,29%99,87%100%
Budget Execution by Member State Country Interim Payments vs. Total ESF Allocation Country Interim Payments vs. Total ESF Allocation (%) incl. cost claims unpaid due to lack of credits Romania8,35%(8,69%) Bulgaria15,94%(19,65%) Czech Republic17,03%(20,40%) Malta18,71%(21,94%) Hungary25,29%(28,03%) Denmark26,68%(32,22%) Greece29,30%(32,34%) Cyprus27,49%(33,83%) Netherlands31,91%(35,11%) France31,16%(35,24%) Slovakia29,76%(35,49%) Sweden37,25%(37,25%) Italy32,68%(37,38%) Slovenia39,50%(41,40%) Belgium38,40%(42,82%) Luxembourg29,04%(42,96%) Spain41,82%(46,02%) Poland44,94%(47,91%) Germany42,23%(48,34%) Lithuania45,58%(48,64%) Finland45,76%(51,11%) United Kingdom48,24%(52,34%) Portugal58,50%(58,53%) Estonia57,97%(60,49%) Austria54,21%(60,94%) Ireland52,93%(62,48%) Latvia58,43%(67,02%) TOTAL 37,70%(41,29%)
Current N+2/+3 risk of de-commitment status on 20/11/2012 by MS (incl. unpaid cost claims) Country Current N+2/3 risk € Current N+2/3 risk vs. 2009/2010 Commitments % Austria0- Belgium ,67% Bulgaria ,50% Cyprus ,83% Czech Republic ,78% Denmark ,48% Estonia0- Finland0- France ,48% Germany ,95% Greece ,32% Hungary ,53% Ireland0- Italy ,86% Country Current N+2/3 risk € Current N+2/3 risk vs. 2009/2010 Commitments % Latvia0- Lithuania0- Luxembourg0- Malta0- Netherlands ,94% Poland0- Portugal0- Romania ,98% Slovakia ,89% Slovenia0- Spain ,32% Sweden ,98% United Kingdom ,27% TOTAL ,69% 5
Closure progress by MS 154 programmes have been closed (141 fully and 13 partially) and 16 other closures are on-going including 8 closures on hold due to the lack of credits. 69 programmes remain to be closed representing 25 recoveries and 44 payments.
7 Total amount of cost claims unpaid due to lack of credits – status on 20/11/2012 Country Austria ,26 Belgium ,36 Bulgaria ,54 Cyprus ,89 Czech Republic ,29 Denmark ,73 Estonia ,28 Finland ,16 France ,28 Germany , ,12 Greece ,75 Hungary ,11 Ireland , ,04 Italy , ,28 Latvia ,18 Lithuania ,55 Luxembourg ,02 Malta ,67 Netherlands ,53 Poland ,76 Portugal , ,46 Romania ,27 Slovakia ,32 Slovenia ,59 Spain , ,54 Sweden 0,00 United Kingdom ,66 TOTAL , ,64