1. List three advantages of the British during the War.  Stronger Military  Greater Wealth  More People (Population)


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Presentation transcript:

1. List three advantages of the British during the War.  Stronger Military  Greater Wealth  More People (Population)

1. List three Patriot advantages during the war.  George Washington  Fighting on their own land  Determined to win

2. When did the American colonies declare independence? July 4, 1776

2. The name given to Americans who supported independence. Patriots

3. Taking neither side in a conflict Neutral

5. Americans who remained loyal to Britain were called loyalists or Tories.

6. She was a woman who took her husband’s place in battle after he was killed. Margaret Corbin

7. Appointed Commander of the Continental Army George Washington

8. Hired by the British as mercenaries Hessians

9. He wrote Common Sense and The American Crises. “These are the times that try men’s souls.” Thomas Paine

10. Where did Washington’s troops spend the winter of 1777? Valley Forge

11. Who arrived from Germany to train the troops? He taught them military discipline. Baron von Steuben

12. A continuous rise in the price of goods. Inflation

EXTRA INFORMATION: To spy on the British, he disguised himself as a teacher. Before he was hanged, he said, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”’ Nathan Hale

EXTRA INFORMATION: African Americans who fought at Concord. African Americans fought for the same reasons as other Americans. They believed in the Patriot cause or they needed money. Peter Salem and Lemuel Hayes

13. Where was the American capital during the Revolutionary War? William Howe planned to capture this city for the British. Philadelphia

14. This battle marked a turning point in the war. Saratoga

15. Name the country that announced their support of the Americans after the Battle of Saratoga. France

16. Who was the French nobleman who became a trusted aide to Washington? Marquis de Lafayette

17 To leave without permission. desert

18. Where did the Patriots win an important victory on Christmas night in 1776? Trenton

19. Because they felt more loyalists lived in this area, where did the British concentrate their efforts in 1778? The South

20. Prevented supplies and reinforcements from reaching the Continental Army blockade

21. Privately owned merchant ships privateers

22. A daring American naval officer. When his ship the Bonhomme Richard was badly damaged, the British commander of the Serapis asked if he would surrender. He replied, “I have not yet begun to fight!” John Paul Jones

23. Hit-and-run technique of fighting guerilla warfare

24. He was a successful guerilla leader who operated out of swamps of eastern South Carolina. Known as the Swamp Fox. Francis Marion The Swamp Fox and his troops

25. Who was the Spanish governor of Louisiana who raised an army in 1779 to aid the Americans. Bernardo de Galvez

26. What country was America’s most important ally during the American Revolution? France

27. British general at Battle of Yorktown. Cornwallis

28. When did the British surrender to the Americans at the Battle of Yorktown?

29, 30, 31. List the three delegates to Paris who worked on the Treaty of Paris in 1783? Ben Franklin John Jay John Adams

32. To approve ratify

33. Poet/ “First Lady of the Revolution” Mercy Otis Warren

4. The Terms of the Treaty of Paris included: 1. The U.S. was recognized as an independent nation. 2. The territory that the new nation claimed extended from the Atlantic Ocean west to the Mississippi River and from Canada in the North to Spanish Florida in the South. 3. The British promised to withdraw all their troops from American territory. 4. Americans received the right to fish in the waters off the coast of Canada The Treaty of Paris 1783

35. Why do you think the Americans won the war?  Home field Advantage  Patriots used guerrilla warfare- British weren’t used to this fighting style  Other countries helped  Americans had passion and determination for independence!

Lexington and Concord, 1775 Valley Forge, 1778 Battle of Saratoga, 1777 Battle of Yorktown, 1781 Treaty of Paris, 1783 Declaration of Independence, 1776 Battle of Trenton, Christmas, 1776 Place the events in chronological order: Drag the boxes

Would you say more colonists were loyalists or patriots? Why? Many were undecided.