A Quick view of China & India
IIIIndia was developed by the Ganges and the Indus River, which allowed them to make two cities- Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. MMMMonsoons occur in the Indus River Valley, which could be beneficial or harmful according to wind strength. CCCChina’s Yellow River provided it with rich loess and enough land to farm on. They also created a system of writing similar to Chinese characters.
A Quick overview of Egypt…
TTTThe Nile River flooded yearly allowing the Egyptians in the desert, creating silt in the Egyptian banks and the Nile Delta. TTTThis was known as the gift of the Nile and pharaohs were assumed to make it happen. IIIIt was divided into two parts – Upper and Lower Egypt, united by Menes, who became the first pharaoh, a god-like king. BBBBuried the dead in pyramid tombs (only for the rich). MMMMummified the dead, embalming them in a salt called Natron which preserved the dead bodies. WWWWrote in hieroglyphics, a type of writing where letters are represented with pictures, on papyrus.
Another Quick View… of Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia is the latest river valley civilization discovered thus far. Mesopotamia is in the Fertile crescent Modern day Iraq/Middle East Mesopotamia was extremely open to invasion due to flat plain area that it thrived on The first civilization to make city states Polytheistic religion Used clay tablets for wedge-shaped cuneiform
Comparison Chart SimilaritiesDifferences Rivers made soil fertile. Egypt was protected naturally. Polytheistic. Different perception in religion. Eventually invaded. Mesopotamia fully defenseless. Trade flourished in all regions. India created plumbing in cities like Mohenjo-Daro.
Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoyed it. Created, Directed, and Produced by… Jaeyung Lee Sebastian Franco Jeremy Jones Steven DelValle Executive Producer- Group 2