Washington, D.C. Sponsored by the Volunteer Resource Center By: Angela Vitellaro
Youth Service Opportunities Projects (YSOP) YSOP is an organization located in Washington, D.C. and New York The trip includes a weeklong service camp during January break. YSOP services are focused on the issues of hunger and homelessness. Participants are typically from a variety of majors with diverse backgrounds.
Service Details: Each day students participate in workcamps which focus on a range off issues pertaining to hunger and homelessness. Service projects vary year to year. These projects have included: serving dinner at soup kitchens, sorting food at a food bank, preparing meals for people suffering from terminal or life- threatening diseases, cleaning the homes of elderly hoarders, and distributing newspapers with homeless vendors. At the conclusion of each day there is a reflection where students can share their reactions and ideas. Additional activities include speakers from the National Coalition for the Homeless as well as serving dinners.
Alternative Winter Break YSOP 2008 YSOP 2007
Trip Details: Cost: we try to fundraise so that the trip is free to students Students are chosen through an application process. Breakfast and lunch is provided Sleeping arrangements are typically in a youth hostel or church. Nights are spent sight-seeing, playing games, and enjoying freetime.
Work sites: Street Sense is a newspaper written and distributed by venders who are currently or formerly homeless.
Work sites: Food and Friends DC Central Kitchen
Work site: Elder Buddies is a unique elderly advocacy program that helps prevent hoarders from being evicted, therefore avoiding homelessness.
Other work sites and activities: Capital Area Food Bank Community Family Life Services Parish Hall Dinner Dinner Program for Homeless Women (DPHW) So Others May Eat (SOME) Martha’s Table
Contact: Drew University Volunteer Resource Center Lloyd Robotham Angela Vitellaro