Dr. R. Nagarajan Professor Dept of Chemical Engineering IIT Madras Advanced Transport Phenomena Module 6 Lecture 27 1 Mass Transport: Two-Phase Flow
Analogies to Momentum Transfer: (High Sc Effects) Streamwise pressure gradient can break mass/ momentum transfer analogy (St & c f /2) For laminar or turbulent flows with negligible pressure gradient, Reynolds’- Chilton – Colburn analogy holds: 2 CONVECTIVE MASS TRANSFER IN LAMINAR- AND TURBULENT-FLOW SYSTEMS
Analogies to Momentum Transfer: (High Sc Effects) For Sc ≈ 1 (e.g., solute gas diffusion through gaseous solvents), Prandtl’s form of extended analogy holds: In many mass-transfer applications (e.g., aerosols, ions in aqueous solutions), Sc >>1 since D << Correlation would underestimate St m for Sc > CONVECTIVE MASS TRANSFER IN LAMINAR- AND TURBULENT-FLOW SYSTEMS
Analogies to Momentum Transfer: (High Sc Effects) For Sc >> 1: (Shaw and Hanratty, 1977) Experimental: St m ~ Sc (-2/3) Surface roughness effect: when comparable to or greater in height compared to viscous sublayer thickness ( SL ≈ (c f /2) 1/2 (5 /U)) increases both c f /2 and St Effect on St < on friction coeff (hence, pressure drop) 4 CONVECTIVE MASS TRANSFER IN LAMINAR- AND TURBULENT-FLOW SYSTEMS
CHEMICAL NONEQUILIBRIUM (KINETIC) BOUNDARY CONDITIONS When dilute species A reacts only at fluid/ solid interface, St m (Re, Sc) still applies Mass flux of species A at the wall This flux appears in BC for species A at fluid/ surface interface 5
If species A is being consumed at a local rate given by (irreversible, first-order) chemical reaction: Surface BC (or jump condition, JC) takes the form: 6 CHEMICAL NONEQUILIBRIUM (KINETIC) BOUNDARY CONDITIONS
JC provides algebraic equation for quasi-steady species A mass fraction, A,w, at surface, and: and transfer rate as a fraction of maximum (“diffusion- controlled”) rate; C fraction is small, rate approaches “chemically controlled” value, k w A,∞ 7 CHEMICAL NONEQUILIBRIUM (KINETIC) BOUNDARY CONDITIONS
C surface Damkohler number; “catalytic parameter”; defined by: Resistance additivity approach: adequate for engineering purposes when applied locally along a surface with slowly-varying x-dependences of T w, k w A,w 8 CHEMICAL NONEQUILIBRIUM (KINETIC) BOUNDARY CONDITIONS
If LTCE is achieved at station w due to rapid heterogeneous chemical reactions, then: i,w = i,eq (T w,….;p) for all species i Used to estimate chemical vapor deposition (CVD) rates in multicomponent vapor systems with surface equilibrium 9 CHEMICAL NONEQUILIBRIUM (KINETIC) BOUNDARY CONDITIONS
In the presence of homogeneous reactions, similar approach can be used to estimate element fluxes Effective Fick diffusion flux of each element (k) estimated via: (diffusion coefficients evaluated as weighted sums of D i ) 10 CHEMICAL NONEQUILIBRIUM (KINETIC) BOUNDARY CONDITIONS
COMBINED ENERGY & MASS TRANSPORT: RECOVERY OF MAINSTREAM CHEMICAL & KINETIC ENERGY If a thermometer is placed in a hot stream with considerable kinetic energy & chemical energy, what temperature will it read? Neglecting radiation loss, surface temperature will rise to a SS-value at which rate of convective heat loss (T r gas-dynamic recovery temperature ) 11
balances rate of energy transport associated with species A mass transport: (Q energy release per unit mass of A) 12 COMBINED ENERGY & MASS TRANSPORT: RECOVERY OF MAINSTREAM CHEMICAL & KINETIC ENERGY
Adiabatic condition: = 0 (including both contributions) => In forced-convection systems, (St m /St h ) chemical- energy recovery factor, r ChE 13 COMBINED ENERGY & MASS TRANSPORT: RECOVERY OF MAINSTREAM CHEMICAL & KINETIC ENERGY
For a laminar BL, r KE ≈ Pr 1/2, r ChE ≈ Le 2/3, and T w can be higher or lower than corresponding thermodynamic (“total”) temperature: (depending on Pr, Le) 14 COMBINED ENERGY & MASS TRANSPORT: RECOVERY OF MAINSTREAM CHEMICAL & KINETIC ENERGY
In most gas mixtures, both r KE and r ChE ≈ 1 Probe records temperature near T 0, not T ∞ r ChE important in measuring temperatures of gas streams that are out of chemical equilibrium T w >> T ∞ or T r can be recorded 15 COMBINED ENERGY & MASS TRANSPORT: RECOVERY OF MAINSTREAM CHEMICAL & KINETIC ENERGY
For non-adiabatic surfaces: T r ’ generalized recovery temperature (T w - T r ’) “overheat” 16 COMBINED ENERGY & MASS TRANSPORT: RECOVERY OF MAINSTREAM CHEMICAL & KINETIC ENERGY
TWO-PHASE FLOW: MASS TRANSFER EFFECTS OF INERTIAL SLIP & ISOKINETIC SAMPLING When dynamic coupling between suspended particles (or heavy solute molecules) & carrier fluid is weak consider particles as distinct phase Distinction between two-phase flow & flow of ordinary mixtures Quantified by Stokes’ number, Stk Above critical value of Stk, 2 nd phase can inertially impact on target, even while host fluid is brought to rest 17
Pure inertial impaction at supercritical Stokes’ numbers: Cylinder in cross flow Particle-laden steady carrier flow of mainstream velocity, U Suspended particles assumed to be: Spherical (diameter d p << L) Negligible mass loading & volume fraction Large enough to neglect D p, small enough to neglect gravitational sedimentation Captured on impact (no rebound) 19 TWO-PHASE FLOW: MASS TRANSFER EFFECTS OF INERTIAL SLIP & ISOKINETIC SAMPLING
Pure inertial impaction at supercritical Stokes’ numbers: Cylinder in cross flow Each particle moves along trajectory determined by host- fluid velocity field & its drag at prevailing Re (based on local slip velocity) Capture efficiency function Calculated from limiting-particle trajectories (upstream locations of particles whose trajectories become tangent to target) 20 TWO-PHASE FLOW: MASS TRANSFER EFFECTS OF INERTIAL SLIP & ISOKINETIC SAMPLING
Pure inertial impaction at supercritical Stokes’ numbers: Cylinder in crossflow capture = 0 for Stk < Stk crit Capture occurs only above a critical Stokes’ number (for idealized model of particle capture from a two- phase flow) 21 TWO-PHASE FLOW: MASS TRANSFER EFFECTS OF INERTIAL SLIP & ISOKINETIC SAMPLING
Pure inertial impaction at supercritical Stokes’ numbers: Cylinder in cross flow 22 Particle capture fraction correlation for ideal ( ) flow past a transverse circular cylinder (Israel and Rosner (1983)). Here t flow =(d/2)/U. TWO-PHASE FLOW: MASS TRANSFER EFFECTS OF INERTIAL SLIP & ISOKINETIC SAMPLING
Pure inertial impaction at supercritical Stokes’ numbers: Cylinder in crossflow In practice, some deposition occurs even at Stk < Stk crit Due to non-zero Brownian diffusivity, thermophoresis, etc. Rates still influenced by Stk since particle fluid is compressible (even while host carrier is subsonic) Inertial enrichment (pile-up) of particles in forward stagnation region, centrifugal depletion downstream Net effect: can be a reduction below diffusional deposition rate 23 TWO-PHASE FLOW: MASS TRANSFER EFFECTS OF INERTIAL SLIP & ISOKINETIC SAMPLING
Pure inertial impaction at supercritical Stokes’ numbers: Cylinder in crossflow Combustion application: sampling of particle-laden (e.g., sooty) combustion gases using a small suction probe Sampling rate too great => capture efficiency for host gas > that of particles => under-estimation; and vice versa Sampling rate at which both are equal isokinetic condition (particle size dependent) 24 TWO-PHASE FLOW: MASS TRANSFER EFFECTS OF INERTIAL SLIP & ISOKINETIC SAMPLING
Pure inertial impaction at supercritical Stokes’ numbers: Cylinder in cross flow 25 TWO-PHASE FLOW: MASS TRANSFER EFFECTS OF INERTIAL SLIP & ISOKINETIC SAMPLING Effect of probe sampling rate on capture of particles and their carrier fluid
Effective diffusivity of particles in turbulent flow Ability to follow local turbulence (despite their inertia) governed by Stokes’ number, Stk t Relevant local flow time = ratio of scale of turbulence, l t, to rms turbulent velocity 26 Two-Phase Flow: Mass Transfer Effects of Inertial Slip & Isokinetic Sampling
TWO-PHASE FLOW: MASS TRANSFER EFFECTS OF INERTIAL SLIP & ISOKINETIC SAMPLING Effective diffusivity of particles in turbulent flow Alternative form of characteristic turbulent eddy time, where k t turbulent kinetic energy per unit mass, and turbulent viscous dissipation rate per unit mass 27
Effective diffusivity of particles in turbulent flow and (for particles in fully turbulent flow, t >> ) Data: fct() >> 1 for Alternative approach to turbulent particle dispersion: stochastic particle-tracking (Monte Carlo technique) 28 TWO-PHASE FLOW: MASS TRANSFER EFFECTS OF INERTIAL SLIP & ISOKINETIC SAMPLING
Eddy impaction: When Stk t is sufficiently large, some eddies project particles through viscous sublayer, significantly increasing the deposition rate Represented by modified Stokes’ number: Eddy-impaction augmentation of St m negligible for Stk t,eff -values < Below this value, turbulent particle-containing BL behaves like single-phase fluid 29