BACKGROUND Devolution of Responsibility for Group Water Schemes to Local AuthoritiesDevolution of Responsibility for Group Water Schemes to Local Authorities Rural Monitoring CommitteeRural Monitoring Committee PartnershipPartnership New Measures – Takeover, Subsidy, etc.New Measures – Takeover, Subsidy, etc. All of these measures had a big impact on Rural Water in County Sligo.All of these measures had a big impact on Rural Water in County Sligo.
PARTNERSHIP This approach has worked very well in Sligo from the beginningThis approach has worked very well in Sligo from the beginning All of the parties involved have “worked together” on the Rural Water Monitoring Committee.All of the parties involved have “worked together” on the Rural Water Monitoring Committee. Partnership had also been implemented by the group scheme personnel.Partnership had also been implemented by the group scheme personnel. The partnership arrangement has proved invaluable in the delivery of the Group Water DBO Projects.The partnership arrangement has proved invaluable in the delivery of the Group Water DBO Projects.
PRIVATE GROUP SCHEMES PRIOR TO DBO 17 No. Group Water Schemes supplying approximately 2,200 houses plus commercial and agricultural17 No. Group Water Schemes supplying approximately 2,200 houses plus commercial and agricultural 3 No. Group Schemes had some form of disinfection or treatment3 No. Group Schemes had some form of disinfection or treatment Some schemes complied with the 1998 Drinking Water Regulations on some occasions but failed on othersSome schemes complied with the 1998 Drinking Water Regulations on some occasions but failed on others Boiling Notices were issued to Group Schemes on a regular basisBoiling Notices were issued to Group Schemes on a regular basis
PRIVATE GROUP SCHEMES (CTD) The majority of the schemes were between 25 and 30 years old.The majority of the schemes were between 25 and 30 years old. Very little cost involved in operating the majority of the schemes.Very little cost involved in operating the majority of the schemes. One scheme had a treatment plant and had meters in place on all consumers.One scheme had a treatment plant and had meters in place on all consumers. Occasional complaints were received from members of some schemes regarding water quality.Occasional complaints were received from members of some schemes regarding water quality. Two schemes were transferred on to public water schemes when they were upgraded in 2000.Two schemes were transferred on to public water schemes when they were upgraded in 2000.
STRATEGY Supply 2 Group Schemes to the Sligo and Environs Public Water Supply (360 houses plus commercial/agricultural)Supply 2 Group Schemes to the Sligo and Environs Public Water Supply (360 houses plus commercial/agricultural) Connect 1 Group Scheme to the Lough Easkey Public Water Supply Scheme.Connect 1 Group Scheme to the Lough Easkey Public Water Supply Scheme. Form 6 schemes in the South East of County Sligo into a “bundle” – “There were approximately 1,100 houses plus commercial/agricultural usage in this bundle.Form 6 schemes in the South East of County Sligo into a “bundle” – “There were approximately 1,100 houses plus commercial/agricultural usage in this bundle. Form 6 schemes in the North West of County Sligo into a “bundle” – this bundle consisted of approximately 700 houses plus commercial/agricultural usage.Form 6 schemes in the North West of County Sligo into a “bundle” – this bundle consisted of approximately 700 houses plus commercial/agricultural usage.
SOUTH EAST AND NORTH WEST GROUP DBO PROJECTS Client’s Representatives appointed in February, 2003.Client’s Representatives appointed in February, Expressions of Interest invited from Contractors and published in EU Journal in March 2003Expressions of Interest invited from Contractors and published in EU Journal in March 2003 Partnership Agreements were signed in August/September, 2003.Partnership Agreements were signed in August/September, No. Contractors selected to proceed to tender stage.4 No. Contractors selected to proceed to tender stage. TSSL were the successful tenderer for both projectsTSSL were the successful tenderer for both projects Contracts for both projects were signed on the 11 th April, 2005.Contracts for both projects were signed on the 11 th April, 2005.
SOUTH EAST AND NORTH WEST GROUP DBO PROJECTS O & M Agreements signed on the 15 th July, 2005.O & M Agreements signed on the 15 th July, Upgrading works in progress during planning/tendering periodUpgrading works in progress during planning/tendering period Some schemes had commenced substantial upgrading works in 2003.Some schemes had commenced substantial upgrading works in Eleven of the schemes had carried out some upgrading works between 2003 and 2005Eleven of the schemes had carried out some upgrading works between 2003 and 2005
CHALLENGES Participation of all schemes required to make projects viable.Participation of all schemes required to make projects viable. Failure to deliver on projects not an option.Failure to deliver on projects not an option. Leadership required from group scheme committees.Leadership required from group scheme committees. Challenge for the group scheme committees to convince the membership of the importance of compliance with the EC Drinking Water RegulationsChallenge for the group scheme committees to convince the membership of the importance of compliance with the EC Drinking Water Regulations
CHALLENGES (CTD) Challenge to all parties in the partnership to keep the projects focused and delivered on time.Challenge to all parties in the partnership to keep the projects focused and delivered on time. To maintain the trust and confidence of the group scheme personnel and provide the necessary support.To maintain the trust and confidence of the group scheme personnel and provide the necessary support. Transformation of group schemes into co-operatives.Transformation of group schemes into co-operatives.
PROBLEMS Focus of media on Sligo as a result of EPA Drinking Water Report which was published in March, 2004.Focus of media on Sligo as a result of EPA Drinking Water Report which was published in March, A further visit by the media following publication of the next EPA Drinking Water ReportA further visit by the media following publication of the next EPA Drinking Water Report Conflict in the largest scheme in the bundles.Conflict in the largest scheme in the bundles.
PRESENT POSITION Commissioning nearing completion on 11 treatment plants.Commissioning nearing completion on 11 treatment plants. The treatment plants will serve over 2,000 houses, a number of schools, commercial/agricultural activity.The treatment plants will serve over 2,000 houses, a number of schools, commercial/agricultural activity. Amalgamation of two schemes each consisting of 25 houses to be progressed.Amalgamation of two schemes each consisting of 25 houses to be progressed. Focus now on Water Conservation MeasuresFocus now on Water Conservation Measures
PRESENT POSITION CTD. Contract signed on the 24 th May, 2006 for metering and critical mains replacement.Contract signed on the 24 th May, 2006 for metering and critical mains replacement. Assistance given to group schemes to identify connections.Assistance given to group schemes to identify connections. Water audit to be carried out on installation of district meters.Water audit to be carried out on installation of district meters.
BENEFITS Drinking Water in compliance with EC Drinking Water Regulations.Drinking Water in compliance with EC Drinking Water Regulations. All schemes properly constituted.All schemes properly constituted. Democracy in all schemes.Democracy in all schemes. Rules and Regulations adopted by members.Rules and Regulations adopted by members. Training Courses in place for Management and Maintenance of Group Schemes.Training Courses in place for Management and Maintenance of Group Schemes. Some of the best people are now in charge of the group schemes.Some of the best people are now in charge of the group schemes.
FUNDING Increase in group scheme grantsIncrease in group scheme grants TakeoverTakeover SubsidySubsidy DBO FundingDBO Funding Advance WorksAdvance Works MeteringMetering