Equipment & Set up for PVP Charles Chabert
Requirements for Laser program Theatre requirements Theatre personnel Laser equipment Resonator 2090/Moxy Fibre Endoscopic needs Anaesthesia Catheterisation & post operative needs Charles Chabert
Blinds for theatre windows Operating Room Laser Safety Officer Blinds for theatre windows Laser signs Protective eye wear Charles Chabert
Not just for theatre staff!! Eye Protection Not just for theatre staff!! Charles Chabert
Air Cooled System No more external water cooling No facility readiness forms needed Charles Chabert
Power Supply Charles Chabert
Laser Equipment Charles Chabert
Hardware Charles Chabert
Touch Screen Allows for easy adjustments of power and mode settings Pre-set vaporization and coagulation power levels 120w 20w (1st bullet) The user activated controls on the touchscreen allow for easy adjustments of mode and power output settings. (2nd bullet) Pre-set vaporization and coagulation power levels provide hands-free mode selection while lasing. Charles Chabert
QuickSwitch Foot Pedal Hands-free selection of ready and standby modes TURP-like foot control of vaporization and coagulation Allows physician to quickly coagulate bleeding if needed (1st bullet) The QuickSwitch foot pedal offers easy hands-free selection of “standby” and “ready” modes; (2nd bullet) as well as TURP-like foot control of vaporization and coagulation, allowing the physician to efficiently address bleeding if needed Charles Chabert
Identify Fiber Markings 2090 The triangle on the cap is 180degrees from where the laser beam fires SPEAKER NOTES: Triangle must be visible at all times to ensure that energy is directed away from the beak of the cystoscope Red stop sign should NOT be visible while firing the laser or damage to the beak / telescope portion of the cystoscope may result The red stop sign is aligned with the aiming beam of the fiber Charles Chabert
Basics Charles Chabert
Equipment Charles Chabert
Chair Charles Chabert
Camera Stack Charles Chabert
Anaesthesia Non paralysing deep anaesthetic LMA ET tube & paralysis for: Large glands Difficult airway Long case expected Propofol for induction Remifentanyl and desflurane Charles Chabert
Post operative management Timing of TOV Oral ABs Anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) Charles Chabert
Summary Appropriately trained laser team & theatre needs Laser unit Digital recording Surgeon comfort Surgeon preference on TOV Charles Chabert