Michael Luu Missy Hangartner
Background Founded by Adolphus Busch Introduced Americans to the taste of the Bohemian Lager in 1876 In 2008 Anheuser-Busch Inc. was the leading domestic brewer, holding a 50.9 percent share of U.S. beer sales Variety of different brands (Budweiser, Bud, Busch, Michelob, many more) Been partners with FIFA since 1986 First to sign an extension as a World Cup sponsor from
World Cup Campaign FIFA World cup is the most internationally watched sporting event Variety of ads with a soccer theme Wanted to use World Cup to turn Budweiser into the “Coke of Beers” Produced an internet reality show called “Bud House” consisting of a fan from each of the 32 qualifying teams under one roof during the FIFA World Cup
Ads The “Swap” Their take on the traditional jersey exchange after matches The “Penalty Kick”
Was it Successful? 4.1% sales increase in second quarter World Cup helped boost net profit by 7.5% In the UK, beer volume sales grew 18.6% in the quarter. Budweiser volumes increased by 70%. Over 800,000+ fans who “Liked” their World Cup Facebook page, Bud UnitedBud United
Class Relevance Positioned themselves effectively Humor approach Generates interest Advantage by being first sponsor to resign for events from
Sources inbev-sees-budweiser-world-cup-boost/ article inbev-sees-budweiser-world-cup-boost/ article cup/default.aspx#/en/world-of-budweiser/world-cup/budweiser-and-the- world-cup cup/default.aspx#/en/world-of-budweiser/world-cup/budweiser-and-the- world-cup cup-campaign-rooted-social-media cup-campaign-rooted-social-media ml ml