WLIA Emergency Management Task Force
Introduction ► Video Presentation ► Purpose ► History How EMTF was started 11 meetings in 13 months ► Tasks Review of EM plans Case studies
Task Force Members Chair: Chris DillerWisconsin Department of Military Affairs Members: Tony BellovaryBay-Lake Regional Planning Commission Jane GrabarskiAdams County Emergency Management Office Andrew JenningsEast Central Regional Planning Commission Thom JonesEarth Satellite Corporation Diane KleiboerWisconsin Emergency Management Linda C. KollmannWinnebago County Emergency Management Mike KoutnikESRI Minneapolis Jim LacyWisconsin State Cartographer's Office Dave LevineWinnebago County Planning/GIS Kent MacLaughlinWisconsin Emergency Management David MockertWisconsin Department of Administration Jason NybergAyres Associates Ken ParsonsWisconsin Department of Natural Resources Lea ShanleyUW-Madison Land Information & Computer Graphics Facility Jerry SullivanWisconsin Department of Administration Dick VragaUnited States Geological Survey
Mission ► Identify the needs and scope of a statewide emergency management geospatial strategy. Make recommendations for the implementation of such a strategy.
Expected Outcome ► Desired tangible work products of the task force: Build stronger working relationships between the GIS community and emergency managers. Design several GIS related workshops and presentations tailored to help emergency managers better understand the GIS industry. A final report with task force findings and recommendations.
Objectives ► Objective 1: Bridge communication gap between GIS and Emergency Management communities. ► Objective 2: Recommend steps toward developing a statewide geospatial strategy for emergency managers.
Objectives ► Objective 3: Recommend how future emergency management plans might better utilize GIS and geospatial data. ► Objective 4: Identify issues related to emergency management datasets, sharing, inventory and access.
Final Recommendations ► Coordination ► Policy ► Infrastructure ► Education
Final Recommendations ► Coordination Support the National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) recommendations for GIS coordination activities. Identify specific organizations to be involved in the development of a statewide geospatial strategy for emergency management. Identify emergency management and GIS related political and administrative leaders in Wisconsin. ► Identify administrator of each list of individuals. ► Include information about responsibilities for each identified individual for a 24 x 7 response.
Final Recommendations ► Coordination Establish guidelines for communication between all emergency management and GIS functions. ► Establish communication protocols and participative commitment from public, private, academic, military, and native tribal communities for emergency management geospatial collaboration. ► Create and manage comprehensive memoranda of understanding for geospatial and supporting data sharing.
Final Recommendations ► Coordination Develop a relationship between emergency management community and Geographic Information Officer. Identify appropriate roles for various levels and entities in emergency management “hierarchy”. ► Recommend that WLIA encourage County LIO’s and associated Emergency Management Directors that do not have adequate capabilities in GIS to establish relationships with their Regional Planning Commissions, the State GIO, the State Division of Emergency Management and The State Cartographer’s Office (SCO) to ensure they have maps in emergency situations. ► Recommend that WLIA encourage LIO’s/GIS personnel and County emergency management to work together on identifying appropriate roles for various levels of mitigation, response and recovery and entities in EM hierarchy during emergency situations where GIS services are essential.
Final Recommendations ► Policy Revive the Wisconsin Land Information Program Annual Survey. ► Compile complete and comprehensive list of emergency management agencies that have GIS capabilities in WI. ► Create an annual survey, like the former WLIP survey, that includes emergency management related questions. ► Create a comprehensive directory of agencies and organizations that utilize GIS and inventory all spatial datasets being produced in by these groups. ► Create a comprehensive directory of agencies and organizations data sharing policies.
Final Recommendations ► Policy Identify barriers for inter-jurisdictional cooperation and coordination of Emergency Management and GIS related activities. ► Emergency Managers, GIS Coordinators, and LIO’s should sit on the same committees. ► Create a data sharing mechanism or tool for locating and obtaining spatial data. ► Maintain or create metadata for spatial information and datasets. ► Discuss data and software capabilities that effect data sharing and integration. ► WEMA and WLIA should each attend the other’s annual conference to enhance information sharing. ► WLIA, WEMA, GIO, and WEM should coordinate together existing activities, standards, and policies.
Final Recommendations ► Policy Identify barriers for inter-jurisdictional cooperation and coordination of Emergency Management and GIS related activities. ► Create a statewide GIS Users Group which would involve all agencies and government entities. ► Create an list serve which will allow for all to stay informed of federal, state and local activities, grants, standards, and meetings. ► Create MOU's between agencies and departments for projects and data sharing. ► Build on the success of the Regional Planning Commission (RPC) Orthophotography consortium project by including all of Wisconsin. ► Work with RPC’s to build partnerships with counties and local governments.
Final Recommendations ► Policy Identify spatial data needs for Emergency Management. ► Reduce duplication of efforts across all levels of government ► Work to make geospatial data more accessible, useable, complete, accurate and timely and available to local units of government, public utilities and the public. ► Improved analysis, decision support and administration. ► Identify spatial data gaps
Final Recommendations ► Policy Identify and synthesize information policies related to data security, data sharing, and public access of Emergency Management related spatial data. ► Establish or assign an interagency workgroup or similar body to identify and synthesize information policies. ► Revive the Wisconsin Land Information Program (WLIP) Annual Survey. ► Create a centralized, statewide inventory tool. ► Engage all stakeholders, GIS professionals, emergency management, law enforcement, public health, private citizens, in the decision-making process concerning spatial data and what policies should be adopted.
Final Recommendations ► Policy Identify and synthesize information policies related to data security, data sharing, and public access of Emergency Management related spatial data. ► Develop and adopt statewide, Emergency Management related spatial data policy standards or guidelines, including Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s). ► Develop guidelines to ensure compliance with appropriate sections of the Wisconsin State Statutes and Federal law on information privacy as well as open records. ► Promote the importance of information sharing by assigning personnel, dedicating resources, and providing encouragement for GIS and Emergency Management data sharing.
Final Recommendations ► Infrastructure A statewide infrastructure plan is needed to support data sharing at all levels of government in Wisconsin. Develop GIS Technical Assistance for Emergency Management Agencies. ► Two kinds of assistance required: GIS technical standards and Direct technical assistance. ► Form a task force to define GIS technical standards for sharing of and providing real-time access to “minimal essential datasets”. ► Form a task force to: 1.Define the need for GIS technical assistance in Wisconsin emergency management agencies. 2.Develop a proposal for meeting the technical assistance needs of emergency management agencies. 3.Promote and advocate for the implementation of the proposal to facilitate the availability of GIS technical assistance.
Final Recommendations ► Infrastructure Identify funding strategies for deploying GIS infrastructure and support in emergency management. ► Identify and itemize all geospatial funding sources (e.g.. USGS CAP awards, DHS equipment grants, etc.) ► Identify and list contacts for each funding source. ► Establish and maintain formal communications with each funding organization. ► Coordinate a statewide geospatial funding strategy with the State GIO. ► Communicate the funding strategy with WLIA membership.
Final Recommendations ► Education Communicate WEM GIS Needs Assessment to emergency managers and to the GIS community. Develop a training strategy to facilitate cross communication between GIS and Emergency Management personnel.
Final Recommendations ► Education Educate the Emergency Management community about GIS and other spatial technologies. ► Create a formal dialog between the WLIA and Wisconsin Emergency Management. ► Create a formal dialog between the WLIA and Wisconsin Emergency Management Association (WEMA), including participation at WEMA events. ► Attend the Annual Governor’s Conference on Emergency Management and Homeland Security, sponsored by Wisconsin Emergency Management. ► Publish emergency management GIS “Success Stories” in the WLIA Land Records Quarterly. ► Offer targeted training workshops for emergency managers at the WLIA annual conference.
Next Steps ► WLIA Board review. ► WLIA presents the report to the state GIO. ► WLIA presents the report to WEM, WEMA and NENA. ► WLIA develops a strategy for disseminating the report (Website, articles, , etc.). ► WLIA develops a plan to address each of the recommendations.