2010-05WFP Initial EFSA Learning Session 1.3. Initial EFSA Overview 1.


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Presentation transcript:

WFP Initial EFSA Learning Session 1.3. Initial EFSA Overview 1

WFP Initial EFSA Learning Session Objectives After this session, participants should be able to: Describe key characteristics and process of Initial EFSA; how it differs from other types of EFSA List key questions that Initial EFSA should answer Identify core information to be collected & analyzed in Initial EFSA 2

WFP Initial EFSA Learning Quick review: 3 pillars of food security food availability, supplies, markets household access to food, livelihoods food utilization (use, consumption, nutrition) 3

WFP Initial EFSA Learning Initial EFSA: What? Quick assessment conducted immediately following: –sudden crisis –reports of sudden deterioration in long-term crisis –opening of access to areas in ongoing crisis Provides information for rapid decision-making Basis for launch of EMOPs: requires rigor appropriate to time and access constraints 4

WFP Initial EFSA Learning Initial EFSA: Why? To provide answers to a three key questions… 1.Is there a food security / nutrition crisis posing immediate or short-term risks to lives and/or livelihoods? 2.If yes, what types of immediate interventions are needed? For whom? Where? 3.Is there a need for more thorough assessment? If yes, when? Which focus? 5

WFP Initial EFSA Learning Initial EFSA: When? Within first 2 weeks - and preferably within the first 72 hours of crisis (or of report of sudden deterioration or of opening of access) From start to finish (i.e. final report): about 6-10 days (this includes 1-3 days of field visits to affected areas) How long? 6

WFP Initial EFSA Learning Initial EFSA: Where? How? Mainly secondary data review (capital) and key informant interviews (capital and field) Some quick field visits, generally with partners, using agreed primary data collection checklist & techniques such as: –Interviews with local authorities, community groups, focus groups –Some visits to households for cross-checking (triangulation) of data –Field observations 7

WFP Initial EFSA Learning Process: Collect and Compile Secondary Data Collect and Compile Primary Data using checklist Conduct Situation Analysis Conduct Forecast Analysis Produce Recommendations Write Initial EFSA report Develop Work Plan and TORs 8

WFP Initial EFSA Learning Exercise 3.a. Mini-Case Studies Read the mini-case Discuss: Do the conditions as stated in the case call for an initial EFSA? Why or why not? 9

WFP Initial EFSA Learning Exercise 3.b. Key Questions & Minimum Information Requirements Consider the emergency scenario that you have been presented in the last session. What are the minimum information requirements that should be collected to inform the categories assigned to your group – and consequently enable key questions to be answered? 10

WFP Initial EFSA Learning Wrap-up Initial EFSA: often the basis on which major emergency operations & fund-raising efforts are launched Appropriate degree of rigour – given time and access constraints – is needed 11