FP7 /1 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research Nikos Kastrinos Directorate for Research in Social Sciences, Humanities and Foresight of DG Research, European.


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Presentation transcript:

FP7 /1 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research Nikos Kastrinos Directorate for Research in Social Sciences, Humanities and Foresight of DG Research, European Commission The Socio-Economic Sciences, and the Humanities: FP7 perspectives FP7 perspectives

FP7 /2 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research Contents  Where we come from….  The areas of research  The budgets  Preliminary thoughts on implementation

FP7 /3 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research Evolution of SSH Budget Since 1994

FP7 /4 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research Quantitive Evolution of SSH EU Research FP4FP5FP6 No of projects No of research teams Ratio teams per project 7,48,216,7 Average budget / proj. (M€) 0,7100,8861,780 No of countries

FP7 /5 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research The Particular Nature of EU SSH Collaborative Research  Issue oriented  Multidisciplinary  Significant comparative element  Policy relevant in the middle to longer-term as projects last up to 5 years  Policy relevant not only at EU level but also at national and regional levels

FP7 /6 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research What is new for SSH under FP7  Broad strategic research agenda  Addresses challenges in medium and long term perspective (2013 and beyond)  Greater role for culture and humanities  A more systematic approach to SSH infrastructures  Leaves a space for researchers to address challenges facing Europe not mentioned in the research programme  Stresses international dimension of SSH  Integration of several formerly separate activities (coordination of national policies, international cooperation)

FP7 /7 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research 13 Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective Major trends in society and their implications Europe in the world The citizen in the European Union Socio-economic and scientific indicators Foresight activities Socio – economic Sciences and the Humanities

FP7 /8 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research Growth, Employment and Competitiveness in a Knowledge Society  The changing role of knowledge, including different types of knowledge and competences, education, lifelong learning and intangible investment  Economic structures, structural change and productivity issues  Institutional and policy questions, including macro- economic policy, labour markets, institutional contexts, policy coherence and coordination

FP7 /9 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research Combining Economic, Social and Environmental Objectives in a European Perspective  How European socio-economic models and those outside Europe have fared in combining these objectives  Economic cohesion between regions and regional development in an enlarged EU, as well as social cohesion and its relation to social problems such as poverty, housing, crime, delinquency and drugs

FP7 /10 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research Major Trends in Society and their Implications  Demographic change including ageing, births and migration  Lifestyles, families, work, consumption, health and quality of life  Cultural interactions in an international perspective including traditions from different societies, diversity of populations, discrimination, racism…

FP7 /11 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research Europe in the World  Changing interactions and interdependencies (in areas like trade, finance, investment, migration, media, religions, culture) between world regions and their implications for those regions, especially for the EU  Causes and resolution of conflicts; relation between security and poverty, crime, environmental degradation and resources scarcity; terrorism; security-related policies and perceptions of insecurity

FP7 /12 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research The citizen in the European Union In the context of the future development of the EU, addressing the following issues  Active participation by the peoples of Europe, European public sphere and media and democracy; governance, citizenship and rights  European diversities and commonalities in cultures, institutions, history, languages, arts, religions and values

FP7 /13 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research Socio-economic and Scientific Indicators  The use of indicators in policy, their implementation and monitoring  How evidence-based policy might be better supported by indicators and methods, for policy coordination and regulation  Use of indicators for evaluation of research programmes, including impact assessment

FP7 /14 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research Foresight Activities  Foresight on key challenges and opportunities for the EU (e.g. ageing, migration…)  Focussed thematic foresight in emerging research domains and cross-cutting domains  Foresight on research systems, key actors and policies in the EU  Mutual learning and cooperation between national and/or regional foresight, within the EU and internationally

FP7 /15 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research Provisional Annual Budgets

FP7 /16 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research  451 responses from 46 countries all over the world  Additional spontaneous contributions  Most active countries: IT, DE, UK, ES, BE, FR, NL, A, NO, S  By Institutions:  Universities + Research centres → 64,3% + 20,6 %  Private non Profit Organisations → 5,3 %  SMEs → 2,4 %  Other→ 7,3 %  Useful pool of ideas  Report forthcoming Web Consultation

FP7 /17 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research First work-programme: Some preliminary thoughts  Two deadlines covering the budgetary years  Topics in all areas  Emphasis on knowledge creation (no NoEs)  Pending issues:  ERA-NET  Societal platforms  Timing

FP7 /18 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DG Research Thank you for your attention! Directorate-General for Research Information and Communication Unit Phone Fax