Miami Lakes K-8 Center Mrs. DiDonna 5 th Grade Math
Mrs. DiDonna’s Contact Information My Class Website: My address: MLK-8 Center phone number:
Information is a wonderful way to communicate with me. I will respond to s within hours. Please understand that I try to check s first thing in the morning and again at the end of the day. However, if I have a conference or need to handle other situations in the morning or afternoon I may not get to read my s until later that day. If you have an urgent message, please contact the office at (305) and they will get the message to my classroom. When I am teaching I give my full attention to the students and do not check my s throughout the day.
GO MATH FLORIDA Math Book District-wide Adopted Series for school year This book will cover all of the State Standards Students can view the math textbook and online resources from their student portal Directions will be given to each student and can also be viewed on my website
Math School Supplies Everyday bring the following supplies to my class: 1. Sharpened pencil 2. Composition Notebook 3. Completed Homework
Mandatory Uniform Policy Uniforms MUST be worn in school at all times. Failure to do this will result in student being sent to the office to call parents to bring them their uniform. Red or Light blue school shirt Closed toe shoes
Classroom Rules Show RESPECT and KINDNESS to everyone at all times. Raise your hand if you have something to say or ask. Listen and follow directions Keep hands feet and objects to yourself.
Following the Classroom Rules Will result in: Verbal Praise Good Conduct Grades and Citizenship Award A Stress free learning environment An enjoyable and orderly classroom atmosphere
Consequences for Breaking the Classroom Rules 1 st Consequence Sign your name on clipboard. 2 nd Consequence Check by name on clipboard. At this point, the student’s conduct grade will be lowered 3rd Consequence: Contact parent 4th Consequence: Sent to administration immediately with a referral. Parent teacher conference
Home Learning Is your responsibility to do the home learning everyday!!! Completing homework will help you achieve higher academic, effort and conduct grades. The home learning helps you learn and improve on the lessons we are learning in our class. If you do not do your home learning assignment you will need to sign the clipboard and complete the homework as soon as possible. Failure to complete assignments will affect your academic, effort and conduct grades.
What happens if I do not do my home learning? Sign Clipboard Effort Grade will be lowered Weekly homework grade will be lowered Skills and concepts were not practiced at home which usually results in a lower grade on the chapter test.
Finish Classwork Early? “What do you do next?” Activities: Work on computer programs Read AR books
Entering the Room Enter in line order quietly and pick up your math book from the front table. Take a seat Take out your homework Begin your “Brain Buster” assignment on board
Exiting the room Make sure that your desk is cleared of any materials. Look around your desk and pick up any trash from the floor. Take all the materials that you will need to your next class.
Make Up Work If you are absent it is your responsibility to make up the work you missed. Check the Home Learning Assignments on the board and complete any missed assignments. Tests/quizzes missed will be made up the following day during school hours. It is always a good idea to have a parent come in to pick up make up work if the illness requires you to be home for 2 or more days. Call the school or the teachers prior to coming in so the assignments will be ready.
Attendance and Tardies It is very important that you come to class! New skills and concepts are taught everyday and you will miss out on important lessons. If you come to school after 8:35, you are late!!! After your 5th tardy you will not be able to earn a Citizenship Award at the end of the marking period.
SMARTBOARD I will be using the interactive Smart Board to provide instruction in Math. You are NOT ALLOWED to touch the Smart Board screen without my permission.
GRADING SCALE %A Outstanding 80-89%B Above Average 70-79%C Average 60-69%D Below Average 0-59%F Failure
Conduct and Effort If you sign the clipboard two times in one week or have a check by your name one day, your conduct grade will be lowered for the week. Effort = how much intensity you put into class including home learning, class work, tests, and participation. Your effort grade will be lowered if you do not do your homework or other assignments on time.
Students should always…. Follow our classroom rules and procedures. Be prepared to learn. Bring with you to class everyday your HOMEWORK, pencil, composition notebook and an AR book. Work quietly. Always ask questions!!!! There is no such thing as a silly question. Be courteous and respectful to your classmates.
A Message From Mrs. DiDonna I am looking forward to a fantastic new school year! I know this is going to be one of the best school years ever! We will be learning many new concepts that will follow you into middle school and high school. I am so excited about seeing everyone learn and grow academically. Welcome to my 5th grade class! Mrs. DiDonna