Study Skills Tips Do you think you study smart?
Most important part of doing well at school You miss your primary way of learning when you are absent or skipping How is your attendance? What can you do to make it better? Are you missing school for reasons other than illness? Study Tip #1 Attend Class
Listen carefully Ask if you don’t understand something Take notes to remember what you are learning Copy important points or facts from the board or a handout into your notebook Study Tip #2 Listen and Take Notes
Do your homework when assigned When reading, take notes on important points Review your notes from class Have someone quiz you on what you have read or from your notes When preparing for a test, go over your notes, homework assignments and your textbook Study Tip #3 Review at Home
Avoid distractions when you study (TV, cell phone and texting) Record assignments in a calendar or planner Before you leave school each day, decide what textbooks and notebooks you should take home A few more Study Tips