The Future
What will the future of teaching look like?
We believe that teaching will be more student based learning, than traditional lecturing.
Students will use programs such as Students will use programs such as Moodle EBSCO I keep bookmarks Kidspiration Student programs that read
Our vision for a class is Five subject areas in the classroom
Math Science Math Science Technology Technology Language Arts Social Studies Language Arts Social Studies
Place for 6 students per table. Place for 6 students per table.
The learning environment would be less occupied by other students.
In our classroom we would have our own research and realization area. (computer lab for 24)
Math Science Math Science Language Arts Social Studies Language Arts Social Studies
Some of the Hardware in our class would be One LCD One LCD Speakers for presentations and reading programs Speakers for presentations and reading programs 1 audio/video mixing and mastering station 1 audio/video mixing and mastering station Virtual keyboards for the computers Virtual keyboards for the computers 24 student computers/ webcam 24 student computers/ webcam 1 Smartboard 1 Smartboard Voice recognition typing/recording to the smart board. Voice recognition typing/recording to the smart board. 1 color printer 1 color printer 4 video cameras 4 video cameras Digital camera Digital camera
Available Software for the classroom would be Kidspiration Kidspiration Student reading programs Student reading programs Student voice recognition for the computers Student voice recognition for the computers Kurzweil Kurzweil
The classroom would be textbook free for the most part. General Chemistry A Free Online Textbook
The teacher would be stationed at one of the five subject areas depending on the lesson that they were teaching. The teacher would be stationed at one of the five subject areas depending on the lesson that they were teaching.
The computer lab would be available for students if the work required this resource. The students would be rotating from station to station throughout the day. The computer lab would be available for students if the work required this resource. The students would be rotating from station to station throughout the day.