Collaborate.Communicate.Engage. Presented by: Kim Boyd Kay Cole
Objectives Explore websites and apps that can be used for collaboration in the classroom. To share engaging lesson ideas and sample products.
Technology TEKS 2. Communication and Collaboration –The student collaborates and communicates both locally and globally to reinforce and promote learning. The student is expected to: 2a. create personal learning networks to collaborate and publish with peers, experts, or others using digital tools such as blogs, wikis, audio/video communication, or other emerging technologies; 2b. communicate effectively with multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats; and 2c. create products using technical writing strategies.
Padlet Formerly known as Wallwisher. Create an account if you want to save. Drag and drop files and photos. See all activity on the wall instantly. Works on phones, tablets, and PCs. Share via URL.
Padlet Lesson Ideas One student posts vocabulary word, another posts a picture/video that illustrates the word. Post a diagram of a cycle (i.e. water cycle) Students complete cycle. Post equations and have students balance them. Word of the Day
Padlet Activity
TitanPad Do not have to create account. Allows multiple users to work on a document simultaneously. Each user’s typing will show in a different color. Import Word document. Share via URL.
TitanPad Link to sample pad –Staff DevelopmentStaff Development –Student Sample – Constructing a SpeechStudent Sample – Constructing a Speech Lesson Ideas Students can create a lab report together. Brainstorming ideas for science fair projects. Posting review questions and answers. Formative Assessment –Give Me Five –I Used to Think But Now I Know –Muddiest Point
TitanPad Activity
Twiddla Sign up for free teacher account. Collaborate on and annotate webpages, documents, and images. Begin with a blank whiteboard. Add shapes, widgets, and formulas. Share via URL or . Most robust of the three.
Twiddla Lesson Ideas Students can analyze the contents of a website. Annotate and analyze PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, or anything in a PDF. Work physics problems collaboratively Create a drawing of the parts of an animal and/or plant cell as a group.
Features Whiteboard –use a blank page and communicate with others by writing, drawing, or using shapes, all on a page. WebPage –upload a webpage URL and view website in real-time. Determine validity of a website, view main idea, etc. Document –upload a document and have the group review Image –upload an image and mark it up! EtherPad –Write text and brainstorm
Twiddla Activity
Baiboard Free App iOS, but Android coming soon Create board and share number Collaborative whiteboard space Multiple pages – max pages 6 Text and Drawing Upload documents and photos Chat
Baiboard Lesson Ideas Counting atoms in chemical formulas Illustrate levers and pulleys Demonstrate how Pangaea separated into continents Upload pictures of items that would be attracted or not attracted to a magnet. Explaining Newton’s laws Cause & Effect of an event Work math problems in groups
Extreme Collaboration Brings student collaboration from mobile devices to a SMART Board ® interactive display. Enables students to contribute to class discussions by sending text and images from their mobile devices to a SMART Notebook™ page for the whole class to see and explore.
Extreme Collaboration Link to sample extreme-collaboration/ extreme-collaboration/ Lesson Ideas Type problem in SMART Notebook and have students text in answers. Type definitions and ask students text in the vocabulary word. Describe and experiment and have students text in the steps of the scientific method.
Extreme Collaboration Activity Living or NonLiving Lesson
Contact Us Kim Boyd –Website: Kay Cole –Website: