Back to School 2014-2015 Mrs. Reinhardt’s Class
I like to teach with a bit of humor, I want to teach the way I’d like my own children to be taught!
Maze Your child will receive a MAZE slip if they do not do/complete their homework. The slip is a warning. The students must get the slip signed and complete the homework they missed and return it the next day to not have MAZE on the following Wednesday. Today I had 18 slips in both classes. I had to fill out these slips before I could start science class. Both classes missed the video I had planned due to the length of time it took me for MAZE. This is not fair to the children that did their homework, and it takes away from instructional time, please check with your child . I understand that occasionally you will have an emergency and your child will not have time to do their homework. NO WORRIES, just send me an email or a note and they can do it the next night!
Rule 1 – Follow directions quickly Rule 2- Raise your hand for permission to speak Rule 3- Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat Rule 4- Make smart choices Rule 5 – Keep your dear teacher happy
Morning work- fill out agenda, Math 4 Today, calendar math Review M4T and homework with a red pen Mini-lesson and interactive math notebook Guided practice in math book Independent practice in math book All students may come to the floor and work with me, step by step, on each lesson. You should see w/Mrs. R at the top of their pages. Others that understand the concept may work at their own pace and check their answers with a red pen as I put them on the board. If your child chooses to work at their own pace, I expect them to show correct answers, if not, they must come join my group.
Students will complete the study guide in class in sections with me Students will complete the study guide in class in sections with me. I will attempt to place all study guides with answers on my newsflash. Some of the study guides I may not have access to on a computer, if you send a note I’ll send you a copy with the answers. We will use the book but not each and every part of the book due to science activities/experiments. Feel free to have your child re-read any part of the chapter. Your child is required to make study cards for all vocabulary words in each chapter. They should write the word on one side then turn over the card and write the definition on the back. The more they know their definitions, they better their grades will be on their tests. I am saving the vocabulary cards out of the book for the LEAP review at the end of the year.
Only for my homeroom! Students will have some form of study guide, a sheet, foldable, and or vocabulary words for each unit. Please have them make study cards and help them study each night for the vocabulary words. Knowing your vocabulary for social studies is the key to success!
Students will be responsible for certain supplies Students will be responsible for certain supplies. I do not have pencils, red pens, glue sticks, or paper and I did not take any of those items from your children. As your child needs to replenish those supplies, I will have them write what they need in their agendas. Please consider supplying one additional spiral notebook as a science notebook. A pencil bag is very helpful for the binders. They need a personal sharpener for their color pencils since they cannot put them into the pencil sharpener here in class.
Agenda: there is something to write on the board every day Mon-Thurs, if there is no homework in a subject I will write none on the board and they will write that in their agendas. PLEASE write in the agenda if the way your child goes home changes that day Math 4 Today: Will be done every day and the test will be each Friday. We review each day how the problem should be worked with a red pen. Each student should write exactly what I do on their paper. This will be what I expect to see on their test and it counts as points on the test. If they don’t show their work, they don’t receive the points. The highlighted problems are similar to the ones that will be on the test and serve as a study guide. Purple VIP (very important paper) Folder: comes home every Thursday, unless we notify you differently. Please review all test papers and sign any D/F papers and return them to school. You may keep the other papers.
MMS 985-626-8778 Please email me any questions or concerns. I try to answer all emails as soon as possible. If you call the school, they will leave me a note to return your call. If the way your child goes home changes for the day, call the office and they will notify us immediately. Do not count on an email to change their way home since I am unable to check them while I am teaching. MMS 985-626-8778 Middle/Reinhardt/apt1.aspx You can find the book sites and passwords on our home site under student links. Middle/Reinhardt/apt1.aspx