Stratejia baze-isin hodi hatun konfliktu Body-based approaches to reducing conflict Dr. Kim Dunphy Director, Many Hands International


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Presentation transcript:

Stratejia baze-isin hodi hatun konfliktu Body-based approaches to reducing conflict Dr. Kim Dunphy Director, Many Hands International Dance Movement Therapist - Terapista Dansa Movementu Phoenix Institute, Melbourne, Australia Vice-President, Dance Movement Therapy Association of Australia no Marita Jacobsson, terapista kreativ, Melbourne

Terapia movimentu dansa bele ajuda ita hasae ita nia relasaun sira tamba bele ajuda lori hamutuk isin no hanoin. Ita integradu ba malu liu husi ita nia isin sira. Ita nia komunikasaun maioria neé la- verbal. Dance movement therapy can help us improve our relationships because it helps bring together body and mind. We relate to each other through our bodies, most of our communication is non-verbal.

Tensaun isin lolon, uza dada iis, esplora isin lolon. Aktividade: motivasaun ba isin lolon, dada iis. body tension, use of breath, body scan. Activities: body scan, breath work Hasae konesement resposta ba ita nia isin lolon Increasing awareness of our body’s response

Servisu individual: Ita bele hanoin dalan oinsa ema sente esperiensia divertidu sira nia isin lolon? Individual work: Can you think of ways people can have enjoyable experiences in their bodies?

Oinsa bele esperiensia diverte iha isin lolon ba relasaun ho rejolusaun konfliktu? Oinsa ita kria sira barak liu tan? How can enjoyable experiences in the body be related to conflict resolution? How could we create more of them? Diskusaun grupu no ható fali nia resultado Group discussion and reporting back

Rona aktivu liu his isin lolon ‘attunement’ Ajuda ita bele komprende malu Aktividade: refleksaun, Esperiensia rona aktivu liu husi isin lolon Active listening through the body ‘attunement’ helps us understand each other: Activity: mirroring, experiencing active listening through the body

Diskusaun: Oinsa bele rona aktivu liu husi isin lolon, ‘attunement’, kontribui ba hatun no resolve konfliktu? Discussion: how can active listening through the body, ‘attunement’, contribute to reducing and resolving conflict?

Matadalan aktiv: stratejia hodi hatun tensaun no hasae kapasidade hodi deskansa Aktividade: matadalan hamamar Active relaxation: Strategies for reducing tension and increasing the capacity to relax Activity: guided relaxation

Discussion: How can active relaxation help to reduce conflict? Diskusaun: Oinsa deskansa aktivu bele ajuda hodi hatun konfliktu?