U1- L2 Have your pencils sharpened Copy the Rules for Drawing: –Pull your pencil, don’t push it. –Use proper lineweights and linetypes All lines begin as construction lines DRILL January 28, 2008
U1- L2 Linetype and Lineweight Lesson Objective: –To know and practice appropriate lineweights and linetypes –To know and practice simple sketching techniques
Four Weights in this class: –Light: barely visible (not noticeable from 2’) –Medium: just noticeable from 2’ –Heavy: obvious from 2’ –Very Heavy: only used for borders Line Weights U1- L3
ALL LINES begin as LIGHT Construction Lines. Why start with light lines? Drawing U1- L3
On a clean sheet of notebook paper draw a chart with the following columns: LINETYPES NameExampleWeightUses U1- L5
Line Conventions Object Lines –Thick lines –Walls, porches, patios, driveways –Stand out U1- L5
Line Conventions Hidden Lines –Medium lines –Wall cabinets, archways, hidden objects U1- L5
Line Conventions Center Lines –Medium –Centers of symmetrical objects –For dimensioning U1- L5
Line Conventions Border Lines –Thickest lines U1- L5
Line Conventions Layout / Construction Lines –Thin lines –All lines begin as these –Not meant to be seen –Darken over them U1- L5
Line Conventions Extension Lines –Medium lines –Extend from object Dimension Lines –Medium lines –Dimension b/w extension lines Extension Dimension U1- L5
Line Conventions Section Lines –Medium –A cut surface Represent cross-section of fireplace brick U1- L5
Line Conventions Guidelines –Thin –For lettering –Not seen U1- L5
Always pull your pencil, don’t push it. Mark two points, then draw your pencil between them. Keep lines LIGHT. Connect the dots in #1 on your worksheet Drawing U1- L3
Classwork From memory, sketch the house you live in.