„Moderné vzdelávanie pre vedomostnú spoločnosť/Projekt je spolufinancovaný zo zdrojov EÚ“ Inovácia obsahu a metód vzdelávania prispôsobená potrebám vedomostnej spoločnosti Drawing (processes) ART TECHNIQUES VYPRACOVAL: Mgr. VLADISLAV KRAVEC, jún 2014
CONTENT Drawing in design Life drawing Cartoon drawing Shading techniques (hatching, crosshatching, smudging)
Drawing in design First step is to sketch initial ideas in a rough (untidy) way.
Drawing in design Then designers refine the shapes by doing precise outline, possibly add more details, shading or even colouring.
Drawing in design Final drawing should show different viewpoints and possible measurements
Life drawing If we draw from life (still-life, portrait, figure, etc.), we start by sketching basic shapes (blocks).
Life drawing Then add more details observing quality of surface (texture, patterns) and tonal values.
Life drawing
Cartoon drawing When drawing cartoons we start off doing outline and then depending on requirements we can add colouring and fill all areas.
Shading techniques Hatching Means putting lines of different thickness and tonal value next to each other in one direction
Shading techniques Crosshatching Means crossing the lines in order to get variety of tonal values. Adding more lines and changing of line thickness causes darker tones
Shading techniques Smudging Originally means to leave the drawing untidy (dirty) by touching it, but it can be used effectively when combined with line shading techique such as crosshatching.
Sources sphere-3.jpghttp://dd.salgoodsam.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/hatching- sphere-3.jpg cd0.pinimg.com/236x/76/1f/b9/761fb97d1c2499d c1be512.jp g cd0.pinimg.com/236x/76/1f/b9/761fb97d1c2499d c1be512.jp g nose-pencil-drawing-f7.jpg nose-pencil-drawing-f7.jpg figurative-instensive.html figurative-instensive.html cartoon-inps.jpg cartoon-inps.jpg