Parts of Speech Created By: Student A, Student B, Student C, Student D, Student E
Noun 0 A noun is a person, place, thing or animal. 0 A noun tells who or what the sentence is about. 0 Examples: ball, Annie, dog, Walmart, McDonalds, boy, girl 0 Example from book: 0 “Your sister will say something like Get lost! I’m in the shower!” How To Drive Your Sister Crazy by Diane Z. Shore 0 The nouns are: sister and shower 0 Student example: 0 My cat likes to chase mice. 0 The nouns are: cat and mice
Pronoun 0 Pronouns take the place of a noun. 0 Examples: we, he, she, they, 0 Example from a book: “Just say He’s the snake I found…” How To Drive Your Sister Crazy by Diane Z. Shore 0 The pronoun is: He’s 0 Student Example: We’re going to art today. 0 The pronoun is: We’re
Verb 0 A verb is an action word. 0 Examples: jump, kick, run, climb, skip, hop, eat, drink, push, pull, lick, spit 0 Example from a book: “take it out now and crinkle it.” How To Drive Your Sister Crazy by Diane Z. Shore 0 The verb is: crinkle 0 Student Example: They won the race because they ran fast! 0 The verb is: run
Adjective 0 An adjective is a word that describes a noun. 0 Examples: soft, brown, big, little, red, purple 0 Example from a book: “Now your hands are dirty.” How To Drive Your Sister Crazy by Diane Z. Shore 0 The adjective is: dirty 0 Student Example: Her shirt is red with yellow stripes. 0 The adjectives are: red and yellow
Adverb 0 An adverb is a word that describes a verb. 0 Examples: loudly, swiftly, calmly, quietly, slowly, beautifully 0 Example from a book: “You can get all hung up in a prickle-ly perch.” Oh The Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss 0 The adverb is:prickle-ly 0 Student Example: The dog quickly chased the ball. 0 The adverb is: quickly