Look at the next 3 safety rules these are IMPORTANT !
Make shore you tie your hair back I bet you wouldn't like this to happen to you
Alex didn't put his goggles on because he thought it made him look stupid now his stupidity will haunt him for the rest of his life !
Some one left there book next to a gas pipe. The book caught on fire. FIRE and GAS don't mix
If you don’t you can burn the surface on which the Bunsen burner is on
When your not using your Bunsen burner but you still need it turned on put it on the yellow flame or safety flame. You do this by closing the ring at the bottom of the Bunsen burner.
If you follow these simple instructions your Bunsen burner will be working in no time
On the side of your Bunsen burner you should find a gas tube that looks similar to this you will need to connect this to a gas point to get the gas running into the Bunsen burner. GAS TUBE
Turn the gas on by twisting a handle or pressing a button ect.
Safety flame Second flame Blue flame Hottest flame
If you are boiling something you can put a gauze over the Bunsen burner by using a tripod Gauze Tripod