My Dashboard (for Corporate Users) Intuit Financial Services University Business Financial Solutions Certification
Course Title Page 2 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Section Objective By the end of this section, you will know how to: Support your Corporate Customers when they use the Dashboard.
Course Title Page 3 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Dashboard Dashboard: The Dashboard is a one page summary screen that can display up to 7 portlets: Message of the Day Financial Overview Book Transfer Action Required Most Used Services Favorite Reports Administration Corporate Users have two options to navigate to the Dashboard service: by selecting “My Dashboard” via the Service Group dropdown by clicking the ”My Dashboard” link in the top navigation bar NOTE: The “My Dashboard” link in the top navigation bar can be hidden based on the branding theme. NOTE: The Dashboard will only display if the Corporate User has been permitted to the “Dashboard: Dashboard” service.
Course Title Page 4 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Dashboard (cont’d) In addition, Corporate Users can opt to have the Dashboard display automatically upon login as their landing page by selecting “Dashboard” via the Administration Self Admin service.
Course Title Page 5 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Dashboard (cont’d) The portlets that display to a Corporate User depend on the Corporate User’s “User Type” and “Dashboard Style” profile settings as well as the Corporate User being permitted to the corresponding service(s). If a Corporate User is set up as a Corporate Admin (by selecting ‘Admin’ from the ‘User Type’ dropdown), an additional dropdown (Dashboard Style) will display with two options to choose from: Permission– Driven: Corporate Admins with service permissions for Administration, Previous Day /Same Day Balance Reporting (Financial Overview), Favorite Reports, and Book Transfers will see those portlets. Admin Only: Corporate Admins will only see the Administration portlet, regardless of service permissions. Portlets for Previous Day/Same Day Balance Reporting (Financial Overview), Favorite Reports, and Book Transfers will not appear. All Corp Users (including Corporate Admins) see the Message of the Day, Action Required, and Most Used portlets.
Course Title Page 6 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Dashboard (cont’d) Business rules for User Type and Dashboard Style combinations. If User Type is User (Dashboard Style is Permission Driven by default): *Message of the Day portlet only displays if there is an active message targeted to the Dashboard Style. ** Financial Overview, Book Transfers, Favorite Reports, and Admin portlets will only display if that service is permitted to the Corporate User. If User Type is Admin and Dashboard Style is Permission Driven: If User Type is Admin and Dashboard Style is Admin Only:
Course Title Page 7 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Message of the Day Message of the Day: The Message of the Day portlet allows Corporate Users to view a message from the FI. NOTE: This portlet will only display if there is an active message targeted to the Dashboard Style. If there is not a Message of the Day already setup for the Dashboard Style assigned to the Corporate User, the Message of the Day portlet will not appear.
Course Title Page 8 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Action Required Action Required: The Action Required portlet allows Corporate Users to view a list of any transactions that require their approval. NOTE: This portlet will only display if the Corporate User has been given the appropriate approval permission to any of the transactions below. Additionally, only the transactions that are within the Corporate User’s limits appear in this portlet. If no transactions are needing to be approved by the Corporate User, the portlet displays with the message “Watch here for transaction review or approval requests”. Each of the following transactions can (if enabled) require approval. Adding and/or modifying Corporate User profiles/permissions (Secondary Administration Approval) Submitting Book Transfers Activating ACH Batches ACH – Small Business Payroll and Tax Submitting Money Transfers (Wires) Money Transfers – Small Business Positive Pay If action is required, Corporate Users can click on the active link to be directed to the appropriate approval/review page.
Course Title Page 9 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Financial Overview Financial Overview: The Financial Overview portlet allows Corporate Users to view summary based information for Previous Day and/or Same Day balance reporting accounts. The default number of displayed accounts is 15. However, the financial institution can request IFS to display any increment of 5 (up to a maximum of 50) accounts. NOTE: This portlet will only display if the Corporate User has been permitted to the “BR - Previous Day Rpt.: Previous Day Report” or “BR - Same Day Rpt.: Same Day Report” service(s). Additionally, only the accounts that have been permitted for use with the Previous Day and/or Same Day balance reporting service appear in this portlet. If no accounts for Previous Day and/or Same Day balance reporting have been permitted, the portlet displays with the message “You currently have not been permitted balance reporting accounts.” Active links will bypass the balance reporting query page and direct the Corporate User to the Previous Day and Same day balance reports where detailed information is displayed. Yesterday - Amount pulls from BAI file and is equal to closing available balance (BAI type code 045) Current – Amount depends on interface. Real time (DIIS) interface uses available balance (as shown in Same Day Real Time balance report). Batch interface uses opening available balance (closing available + 1 day float amount).
Course Title Page 10 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Financial Overview (cont’d) Corporate Users can customize search (query) and report settings. The “Custom search and report settings” link directs users to the Previous Day query page. Reports can be saved and ran on a recurring basis Preferences controls report characteristics such as the style of the report. Also, determines sort order and whether or not totals should be displayed. Balance reporting information can be downloaded to Quicken, QuickBooks, and Money
Course Title Page 11 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Most Used Services Most Used Services: The Most Used Services portlet allows Corporate Users to quickly access a unique list of the services that the system has identified as being the top five frequently used by that Corporate User.
Course Title Page 12 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Book Transfers Book Transfers: The Book Transfer portlet allows Corporate Users to submit single book transfers between the Corporate Customer’s accounts. Multiple entry transfers are not supported through this portlet. NOTE: This portlet will only display if the Corporate User has been permitted to the “Book Transfer: Book Transfer Input” service. Additionally, only the accounts that have been permitted for use with the Book Transfer service appear in this portlet. To submit a book transfer: Step 1: Select the From and To accounts. Step 2: Enter the amount of the transfer. Step 3: Enter the processing date. (The FI controls the number of days allowed for future dated transfers.) Step 4 (Optional): Enter any additional information in the Addtl Info field. Step 5: Click Submit.
Course Title Page 13 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Book Transfers (cont’d) Step 6: Click the Return to My Dashboard button on the confirmation page. NOTE: If approval is needed, the transfer will remain in a pending status until approved. Book Transfers requiring approval will appear in the Action Required portlet on the Dashboard to Corporate Users with access to the Action Required portlet.
Course Title Page 14 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Favorite Reports Favorite Reports: The Favorite Reports portlet allows the Corporate User to add, manage, and run reports that they created or reports that other Corporate Users created (if the Corporate User (who created the favorite report) marks the favorite report as “Shared”). When viewing a “Shared” report, only the accounts that have been permitted to the Corporate User display. NOTE: Only Corp Admins can edit or delete a “Shared” report. NOTE: This portlet will only display if the Corporate User has been permitted to the “BR Favorite Reports: BR Favorite Reports” service.. NOTE: Corporate Users can have an unlimited number of Favorite Reports. If a Corporate User has permission to the Favorite Reports service, but no Favorite Reports have been added, the portlet will appear with a link to add new reports. The “Click Here” link will direct the Corporate User to the Define a Favorite Report screen
Course Title Page 15 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Favorite Reports (cont’d) Once a Favorite Reports has been created, an active link for each Favorite Report will appear in the Favorite Reports portlet. After clicking the active link, the report will immediately run, bypassing the Favorite Reports screen.
Course Title Page 16 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Administration Administration: The Administration portlet allows Corporate Administrators to add, maintain, and delete Corporate Users. NOTE: This portlet will only display if the Corporate Administrators has the User Type: “Admin” and has been permitted to the “Administration: User Admin Service”.
Course Title Page 17 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Administration (cont’d) User Info - Edit a Corporate User’s Information and Service Permissions by making changes to editable fields or checking/un-checking boxes. NOTE: The “User Info” link and the “Services” link both go to the Edit User screen. TIP: When permitting additional services to a user, the Corporate Admin must also go to the Permissions and/or Limits screen to complete the setup of that new service for that user.
Course Title Page 18 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Administration (cont’d) Services - Edit a Corporate User’s Information and Service Permissions by making changes to editable fields or checking/un-checking boxes. NOTE: The “Services” link and the “User Info” link both go to the Edit User screen. TIP: When permitting additional services to a user, the Corporate Admin must also go to the Permissions and/or Limits screen to complete the setup of that new service for that user.
Course Title Page 19 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Administration (cont’d) Permissions - Edit a Corporate User’s permission to use a specific account with a specific service (i.e. Book Transfer, Stops).
Course Title Page 20 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Administration (cont’d) Limits - Edit a Corporate User’s limits for specific services by updating the appropriate fields.
Course Title Page 21 Business Financial Solutions: My Dashboard (Corporate Customers) Intuit Proprietary and Confidential Practical Applications 1.What are the 2 types of Dashboard styles? 2.Can a Corporate Administrator change another Corporate Administrator’s Dashboard style? If so, how? 3.True/False: Multiple Entry Book Transfers can be submitted via the Book Transfer portlet on the Dashboard. 4.How many Favorite Reports display in the Favorite Reports portlet on the Dashboard? 5.What are the requirements for a Corporate User to be able to see the Financial Overview portlet on the Dashboard? 6.What is the default number of accounts that appear in the Financial Overview portlet on the Dashboard? What is the maximum number allowed?