Mrs. Caple’s 7th Grade English Welcome!
Wednesday, August 20, 2014 Practice Prior Skills Write a few sentences about the highlight of your summer by answering the following questions: 1. What was the highlight or most significant event of your summer? 2. Why is it so memorable or meaningful?
Wednesday, August 20, 2014 Learning Goals: 1. To understand and apply classroom procedures. Due Dates: 1. Parents need to the verification of summer reading by Tuesday, August 26, 2014 to 2. Students to have an setup by Tuesday, August 26, 2014.
Activate Prior Knowledge 1. Think about a class that you have had that was chaotic? 2. Why was this class chaotic? 3. Were you able to accomplish tasks or learning goals?
Instruction - Classroom Procedures Please click on the following link: Classroom Procedures from
Guided Practice - Answer the following questions. 1. How should you enter the classroom? 2. What should you do after you are seated at your desk? 3. What do you do before you come to class if you will not be using a digital device in class? 4. What are activities that are not allowed on your device during class? 5. What are some expectations during teamwork? 6. What do you do when Mrs. Caple raises her hand?
Self Assessment 1. Students are to __________ and ________ when they have finished the Practice Prior Skills Slide. 2. T/F Students must stay on task while using their digital device in class. 3. T/F Students must bring a print out of slides if not using digital device in class.
Closing 1. What is something important that you learned today? 2. What are you planning on bringing to class next week, a digital device, or a notebook with the slides for Unit One printed? 3. Remember to have parents your summer reading assignment verification with book title and author, and a note stating that you read the book by Tuesday, August 26 th. 4. Remember to have an setup by Tuesday, August 26 th.
Thursday, August 21, 2014 Practice Prior Skills Write or type your answer to the following questions: 1. How are you to enter the room each day? 2. What are you to work on until class begins, and what do you do if you finish early. 3. What is required if you plan on not using a device in class?
Thursday, August 21, 2014 Learning Goals: 1. To understand and apply classroom procedures. Due Dates: 1. Parents need to the verification of summer reading by Tuesday, August 26, 2014 to 2. Students to have an setup by Tuesday, August 26, 2014.
Activate Prior Knowledge 1. What are classroom procedures? 2. How can they be helpful? 3. What is an example of one learned yesterday?
Instruction - Classroom Procedures You may want to download to your device, print out or open in Notability or Adobe Reader. Please click on the following link: Classroom Procedures from
Guided Practice - Answer the following questions. 1. What should do if you need to go to the bathroom during class? 2. What can you do if you left your device in your locker? 3. How will Mrs. Caple let you know the noise level expected in the classroom at that moment? 4. When will Mrs. Caple take attendance? 5. Does Mrs. Caple enforce the dress code? 6. When is food or drink allowed in the classroom?
Self Assessment 1. Students are to __________ and ________ before Mrs. Caple will dismiss by rows. 2. T/F Mrs. Caple will dismiss the students when they are quietly lined up at the door and the bell rings. 3. T/F The red sign means students may talk. 4. Students should ________ Mrs. Caple if they have a question at home about their assignment. 5. How many bathroom passes and preparedness passes are students allowed per semester?
Closing 1. What is something important that you learned today? 2. Make plans to be prepared for class next week by deciding on if you will work from a digital device, or a notebook with the slides for the Unit printed. 3. Remember to have parents your summer reading assignment verification with book title and author, and a note stating that you read the book by Tuesday, August 26 th. 4. Remember to have an setup by Tuesday, August 26 th.
Friday, August 22, 2014 Practice Prior Skills Write or type your answer to the following questions: 1. What are you to do if you do not have access to your device for class? 2. What will happen if you are not on task with your device? 3. When are you allowed to use a bathroom pass?
Friday, August 22, 2014 Learning Goals: 1. To understand and apply classroom procedures. Due Dates: 1. Parents need to the verification of summer reading by Tuesday, August 26, 2014 to 2. Students to have an setup by Tuesday, August 26, 2014.
Activate Prior Knowledge 1. What classroom procedures are easy to remember? 2. How have classroom procedures made this class a positive learning environment so far? 3. What is an example of one learned yesterday?
Instruction - Classroom Procedures You may want to download to your device, print out or open in Notability or Adobe Reader. Please click on the following link: Classroom Procedures from
Guided Practice - Answer the following questions. 1. Why will students using a computer need a notebook for diagrams? 2. How will your exams be given in this class? 3. What is the penalty for work turned in a day late? 4. Is homework accept after being one day late? 5. How does the behavior management program work?
Self Assessment 1. Students are to bring a ____________ if not using a device or using a computer for diagramming. 2. T/F A white ticket is a warning. 3. T/F A red ticket means an is sent home to the parents. 4. If the behavior continues after parents have been ed, the Mrs. Caple will write _____________ to Mr. Cox. 5. Practice Assignments are worth _____%, Quiz Assessments are worth ______%, and Tests or Formal Writing Assignments are worth _______% of your total grade.
Closing- Classroom Procedures 1. What is something important that you learned today? 2. Make plans to be prepared for class next week by deciding on if you will work from a digital device, or a notebook with the slides for the Unit printed. 3. Remember to have parents your summer reading assignment verification with book title and author, and a note stating that you read the book by Tuesday, August 26 th. 4. Remember to have an setup by Tuesday, August 26 th.