proton mass, m p = x kg = u neutron mass, m n = x kg = u electron mass, m e = x kg = u 1 u = x kg 1 u = MeV
The mass of a nucleus is always less than the sum of the uncombined masses of the constituent particles. The difference is called the nuclear mass defect. The mass defect can be converted into an equivalent nuclear binding energy using the relationship 1 u = 931 MeV. Divide the binding energy by the number of nucleons to get the binding energy per nucleon. This value is used to determine the stability of that atom’s nucleus.
RADIOACTIVITY the spontaneous uncontrollable decay of an unstable atomic nucleus with the emission of particles and/or rays An unstable atomic nucleus will decay naturally (emit particles and/or rays from the nucleus) until it becomes stable. The danger of radioactive decay products depends on their charge and energy.
Alpha Decay alpha particle: a “doubly alpha particle: a “doubly ionized helium atom” or simply a “helium nucleus” ionized helium atom” or simply a “helium nucleus” written , ,or He written , ,or He Z > 82 for alpha decay possible Z > 82 for alpha decay possible have relatively slow speeds (0.1 c) have relatively slow speeds (0.1 c) can be stopped by a few cm of air or can be stopped by a few cm of air or an ordinary sheet of paper natural ’s have energy between 4 and 10 MeV natural ’s have energy between 4 and 10 MeV half-lives from s to yr half-lives from s to yr (link)link
Beta Decay electron, written e or electron, written e or or positron, written e or or positron, written e or occurs primarily in light nuclei occurs primarily in light nuclei penetrates many meters of air penetrates many meters of air or thin sheets of metal or thin sheets of metal high speed (approach speed of light) high speed (approach speed of light) or (link)link
Gamma Decay high energy photons high energy photons (electromagnetic radiation) (electromagnetic radiation) written written penetrates 2 km air or 30 cm lead penetrates 2 km air or 30 cm lead short lifetimes short lifetimes energy range of keV to MeV energy range of keV to MeV have short wavelength (high frequency) have short wavelength (high frequency) (link) link
Proton Decay Neutron Decay When balancing nuclear equations, mass number and nuclear charge must be conserved. These equations are generally simpler to write than chemical equations.
The rate of radioactive decay depends on the amount of nuclei present. The equation for the number of radioactive nuclei present at any time t is given by the equation:
N(t) = # radioactive nuclei present at time t present at time t N 0 = number initially present = the disintegration constant, = the disintegration constant, which is equal to (ln 2)/T 1/2, which is equal to (ln 2)/T 1/2, where T 1/2 is the half-life where T 1/2 is the half-lifehalf-life of the decaying nucleus of the decaying nucleus
Click here, and here,to run here simulations of radioactive decay.
Often, the product of a decaying nucleus is also unstable and subsequently decays at some other rate. The amount of each nucleus present depends on the amount of initial nuclei present and on the decay rates of the parent and daughter nuclei.