Chris Seng, Registrar’s Office October 21, /18/20151
Joint Venture between CSU and INTO University Partnerships, INTO specializes in recruiting international students and developing study centers to prepare student for undergraduate and graduate programs Two US institutions have partnerships with INTO, Oregon State and Univ of South Florida Recent article in Coloradoan newspaper this week 11/18/20152
Highest priority project…, “it takes precedence over just about everything else,” Some projects will continue such as LMS upgrade, others like Banner 9.x will be delayed. 11/18/20153
First year students admitted to study in joint academy or Pathway program. CSU will have 4-5 Pathways, in specific disciplines ◦ Engineering, Computer Science, Business, Liberal Arts, Natural Sciences/Natural Resources Students are not admitted first year and must complete pathway program and meet admission requirements for 2 nd year. 11/18/20154
Pathway courses are CSU credit bearing courses Some students might need non-credit english course from IEP prior to joining the pathway. Undergraduate students, maybe Graduate students # of students fall 2012, maybe /18/20155
Timeline ◦ Applications to Joint Venture in January/February 2012 ◦ Students in IEP classes (if necessary) Summer 2012 ◦ Students enrolled in Pathway programs Fall /18/20156
Admissions/IT work team areas ◦ Admissions ◦ IEP ◦ International ◦ IR ◦ IS ◦ IBFS ◦ Registrar ◦ CASA ◦ Online + ◦ Graduate School 11/18/20157
Admissions/IT work team areas ◦ Admissions process ◦ ARIES data integration from JV system ◦ Catalog/Curriculum ARIES changes ◦ ARIES student record and registration ◦ Coding and categorization of students in ARIES Admission type, student type, major, other attributes and data codes, i.e., who needs to be tracked in different ways for this program 11/18/20158
Admissions/IT work team ◦ Tuition and Fee assessment process, revenue issues ◦ Institutional and state reporting requirements ◦ Class Schedule ◦ SEVIS reporting ◦ Financial Aid ◦ IEP ◦ ODS changes ◦ System Access 11/18/20159