UC Transfer Admissions and Articulation Updates for CIAC Shawn Brick, UC Office of the President University of California
UC Commission on the Future Formed by the UC Regents in July of The Commission was charged with developing a new vision for the University within the context of the University’s mission, while reaffirming our commitment to access, affordability and the highest level s of quality in instruction, research, public service, and health care.
Recommendations Targets for Freshmen/Transfer Enrollment Non-resident Enrollment Create Lower-Division Transfer “Pathways” Reduce time-to-degree, including 3-yr degrees Online Instruction Affordability & Options for Tuition Enhance the ASSIST Website 3
CA CCC Transfer Enrollment 4 NOTE: Full-year data not available for – fall only. Source: UC Office of the President Corporate Student System, which are estimates.
Lower-Division Pathways BOARS Transfer Proposal UC faculty meetings fall 2010 – fall 2011 Reaffirmed campus distinctions, but identified commonalities across the UC system (~80%) Opined on content of AS-T, AA-T if available Staff-level work begins this spring Expanding analysis to remaining top 20 majors New website that highlights major preparation Faculty consultation to follow 5
UC Online Education (UCOE) UCOE is a system-wide pilot effort to create high-quality online courses Implemented in stages Matriculated UC students at “home” campus Non-matriculated students UC students systemwide Articulation & admissions questions 6
ASSIST Next Generation Governet to develop vendor-hosted solution Continuing role for ASSIST Coordination Site (ACS) Phased implementation over 18 to 24 months Prototype scheduled for delivery fall 2012 Focus groups will be convened to review and comment on new functionality AO workflow – how to make your lives easier! Web interface Robust data exchange with campus systems 7