+ IMPROVING ENGLISH Ten Teaching Tools The English Department
+ The Empty Man.
+ Post Its Galore! Use Post-It notes to allow thinking and editing time ALWAYS get students to experiment with sequences – push their creative structuring of ideas and arguments.
+ Windowsill Words. Use the windowsill as a library of keywords for that lesson Encourage interaction and a variety of ways defining words Encourage collaboration to push and complicate definitions.
+ The Four Bs (I don’t get it!) Encourage independence Don’t ask the teacher: Look at your B(ook) Look at the B(oard) Ask your B(uddy) Still unsure? Ask the B(oss)
+ Hotter, Colder Chants. Pose questions that require thinking time Answer by saying hotter or colder to encourage thinking about better answers Allow students to feedback hotter/colder for extra collaboration Always push for the more complex (hotter) answers.
+ Feedback: celebrate and qualify WWW. EBI
+ -Think Ink time - 30 seconds at least before you expect an answer -Ink/Pair/Share.
+ Inner/Outer Groupings.
+ Celebration of Students’ Work on all available Classroom Space.