Inquiry Based Science Teaching
Mind the Gap Secondary science is characterized by: – Duality of teaching science for future scientists and also for scientific literacy – Teachers with adequate subject background yet little pedagogical training and reflection – Crowded curriculum emphasizing factual information and memorization – Little emphasis on the use of authentic science topics leading to exposure to career choices
Inquiry based science teaching Authentic and problem based learning activities where there may not be a correct answer A certain amount of experimental procedures, experiments and “hands-on” activities, including searching for information Self regulated learning sequences where student autonomy is emphasized Discursive argumentation and communication with peers (talking science)
Goals To promote the use of Inquiry-based teaching in science classrooms To exchange, develop and disseminate ideas of good practice in Inquiry-based teaching
Minding the Gaps The gap between theory and practice The gap between teaching and learning The gap between research and practice The gap between policy and classroom practice The gap between cognitive demands and available
The partners University of Oslo Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique University of Copenhagen University of Bristol Universite Rennes 2 – Haute Bretagne Leibniz Institute for Science Education, University of Kiel Hungarian Research Teacher’s Association Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Fredrich Schiller University of Jena
Work packages
Deliverables Overview of policies and curriculum frameworks for use of IBST in science teaching Video materials demonstrating best practice Relationship between scientific literacy and IBST Argumentation resources ICT and IBST – Viten units as examples Teacher professional development workshops (2)