Some people will need someone to help them to read the information so that they understand it. Tell us what you think about the way you use Urgent Dental Care in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. 3 August 2015 to 1 November 2015 Your feedback will help us to think about ways we can make Urgent Dental Care better in your area. All your answers will be kept private and we will not be able to tell who you are.
1 What we would like you to do. This is a questionnaire. It has some questions for you to answer to tell us what you think. Please fill in this questionnaire and send it back to us by Midnight 1 November 2015 When you have finished your questionnaire you can post it to us for free. Primary Care Commissioning Team NHS England Freepost Business reply RRUE-JRBR-RGGT Fosse House 6 Smith Way Enderby Leicestershire LE19 1SX You can also do the questions on the computer. Type this website address into your internet browser. should-urgent-dental-care-be-accessed If you would like any help with this questionnaire you can call: or
2 What is Urgent Dental Care? Urgent Dental Care is about the NHS services for your teeth. When we use the word Dental we mean Teeth. Dentists look after your teeth. Dentists help to make your teeth better if you have any problems with your teeth. You can go to your normal dentist for a check-up or if you have any problems with your teeth. But this is NOT what we mean by Urgent Dental Care. We mean you have a problem with your teeth that cannot wait until to see a dentist for a normal appointment. Urgent Dental Care Services can give you an appointment for treatment for your teeth if you need one. We will use the word Urgent Dental Care when we are talking about this.
4 How did NHS England decide on the 2 ways people could have Urgent Dental Care in the future? We looked at what dental care people in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland need. We called this the Oral Needs Health Assessment. An oral needs assessment is a document which talks about what NHS dental services people need. We also asked what people in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland think about the NHS Urgent Dental Care Services they have used. We went to talk to groups of people about Urgent Dental Care and took questionnaires with them.
5 What did the Oral Needs Health Assessment say about people’s teeth in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland? Some people in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland have bad teeth and gums. The health of the teeth of people is very different in different parts of the country and in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Tooth decay is the most common tooth problem which children have. Tooth decay is when teeth have holes in them. What are Urgent Dental Care services like now? The Urgent Dental Care service is at: Dental Access Centre Nelson Street Leicester LE1 7BA The Dental Access Centre is the name of the place you can go to for help with your teeth.
6 The Dental Access Centre is open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday 9am to 12noon Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays A telephone line is open 9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday 9am to 12 noon Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays Here is some more information about the Dental Access Centre The service at the Dental Access Centre is for patients who: do not go to the dentist. who have a dentist, but need to see a dentist when their dentist is closed on Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays. The Dental Access Centre is NOT for normal appointments or check-ups. Patients pay for treatment at the Dental Access Centre. It costs the same amount as a normal visit to a dentist
7 The Dental Out of Hours Service If you have a problem with your teeth and don’t know where to go you can ring the Dental Out of Hours Service. The telephone number is They will talk to you about what is wrong and try to find out the best way to help you. They will tell you what you can do at home. You will have to pay for the treatment the dentist gives you. What can Urgent Dental Care Services look like in future? We have got 2 ideas to make Urgent Dental Care better. You can choose which one you like the best. The 2 choices are not to make cuts to the service or to save money. The choices will give patients the Urgent Dental Care they need where they need it. We are now going to tell you about the 2 choices.
8 Choice 1 Joining up the services we have now and keeping them open for longer in the day. The service will stay at the Dental Access Centre Nelson Street Leicester LE1 7BA This choice would give Urgent Dental Care to patients who do not have a dentist or when their NHS practice is closed. We are going to ask people in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland when they want the service to be open. This service means you can: See a dentist quickly, if you do not have a dentist, when you need it. Longer opening hours (based on patient feedback). Dental nurses can tell the patient how they can help themselves to make the pain in their teeth better. Dental nurses can tell the patient to telephone their dentist. Dental nurses can offer the patient an urgent dental appointment on the same day or the next day if the dentist has any free appointments. Dental nurses can tell you how to find an NHS dentist for normal care. The cost will be £18.80 if you have to pay for treatment.
9 Choice 2: Making a new NHS Urgent and normal Dental Care Service open 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. There will be 2 new dental practices giving urgent and normal dental care to patients. The new service will be open 8am to 8pm every day of the year. It will be open Saturday, Sunday and on Bank Holidays. The new service will give Urgent Care when NHS dentists in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland are closed. This service means you can: See a dentist quickly when you need it See another dentist when your dentist is closed. Have normal check-ups. It will be open 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You can talk to a the nurse before your see the dentist. You can get an appointment the same day or the next day if the dentist has any free appointments. They will give you advice on how the patient can help themselves to make the pain in their teeth better. The cost will be £18.80 if you have to pay for treatment.
10 Where will the new service be? There will be 2 places. 1 of the new places may be in the middle of Leicester City. 1 of the new places may be in a town in Leicestershire or Rutland. We ask you in the questionnaire below to tell us where you think the new service should be. What are the differences between the options? Option 1 Will only provide urgent dental care. Service available from the Dental Access Centre in Nelson Street, Leicester. Longer opening hours (based on patient feedback). Longer distance to travel to access dental care if you live in Leicestershire county or Rutland. Option 2 Will provide normal and urgent dental care. This service will be available from two practices, one in Leicester city and the other could be in Leicestershire county or in Rutland. Opening hours between 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Could have a shorter distance to travel to access dental normal and urgent care in you live in Leicestershire county or Rutland.
11 How can I find a NHS dentist? You can: Call a NHS dental practice Call NHS 111 for help Call Healthwatch to help you to find a NHS dentist on for Leicester for Leicestershire and for Rutland. Look on NHS Choices to find NHS dentists who can see new patients. Will I have to pay for Urgent Dental Care Services? If you can get your NHS dental treatment free you will not have to pay for urgent dental care. If you have to pay for your NHS dental treatment you will have to pay £ This is the cost of 1 NHS urgent appointment. You can find out more about how much NHS dental appointments cost here: with ages/nhs-dental-charges.aspx. This is the NHS Choices website. ages/nhs-dental-charges.aspx Will someone talk to me and decide how to help me before they offer me an urgent dental appointment? Yes. A dental nurse will talk to everyone who goes to the urgent care service or telephones. The dental nurse will decide how to help. The dental nurse will offer an urgent appointment on the day you phone or the next day. The dental nurse will decide how serious your problem is.
12 Can I become an NHS dental patient? Option 1: No. You can only have urgent NHS dental care. Healthwatch, or 111 or NHS Choices can tell you about NHS dental practices who can see new NHS patients. Option 2: Yes. You can choose to be an NHS patient at the practice if they are able to see new patients. If you are an NHS patient and you do not have to pay they will be able to see and treat you. If you are a patient who normally pays at the dentist you will have to pay for your treatment. Thank you for reading the information Questionnaire NHS Dental Services in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Some people will need someone to help them to read the information so that they understand it.
13 This is a questionnaire. It has some questions for you to answer to tell us what you think about Urgent Dental Care Services in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. When you have finished your questionnaire you can post it to us for free. Primary Care Commissioning Team NHS England Freepost Business reply RRUE-JRBR-RGGT Fosse House 6 Smith Way Enderby Leicestershire LE19 1SX You can do it on the computer: should-urgent-dental-care-be-accessed 1.Have you used Urgent Dental Care Services in the last 12 months? Please tick 1 box Yes No
14 2. Where did you go when you needed to see a dentist quickly? (for urgent dental care) I went to an NHS dentist I went to the Dental Access Centre in Leicester I used the Dental Out of Hours Service I went to a private dentist Other Please tell us where you went, below:
15 3. We told you about 2 choices for the services we will provide in the future. Which choice do you think will be the best choice for people in Leicester. Leicestershire and Rutland? (Please tick 1 box) Choice 1 Urgent Dental Care Service, open for longer at the Dental Access Centre in Leicester Choice 2 Urgent and normal dental care in the same place. There will be 2 places you can go. 1 in Leicester City 1 in Leicestershire or Rutland It will be open: 8am to 8pm 7 days a week 365 days a year If you want to read the choices again please go to pages 8 to 10.
16 If you ticked Choice 1 Please put a tick by the times you would like the Urgent Dental Care Service to be open. I am happy with the times they have now. 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday 9am to 12pm Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays An on call dentist available from 6.30pm to 10pm Monday to Friday and 1pm to 6pm Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays I would like the times to change to: 9am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays I would like the times to change to: 9am to 7pm Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays I would like it open at another time. Please write your ideas here: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
17 If you ticked Choice 2 Please put a tick by where you would like the new services to be. For example: if one service is in Leicester City where should the other service be? Loughborough Melton Mowbray Hinckley Oakham Another place: Please write what you think here. ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
18 4. Why did you choose this place? Please tick all that you like (or is it just one) I chose this place because of where it is in Leicestershire and Rutland. I chose this place because it is easy for me to use the public transport. Like the: Bus Train Better access i.e. opening times I chose this place for another reason. Please tell us your reason here. ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
19 5. How happy are you with the way we have asked you about what you think? Please tick one box Very happy Happy I am not happy or unhappy Unhappy Very unhappy
20 6. Would you like to tell us anything else about the way we have asked you what you think? Please write it here _ 7. Do you have any other ideas about how to make getting NHS Urgent Dental Care Services better? Please write it here
21 Equality Monitoring NHS England would like to make sure that we include everyone in the work that we do. We want to make sure that we treat everyone in a fair and polite way. It does not matter how old you are, what language you speak, where you come from or what religion you follow we will make sure we treat you the best way we can. To make sure our services are the best for the people who use them we would like you to answer the next few questions. We would like to ask some questions about you. You do not have to answer them if you do not want to. They will not be able to tell us who you are. They will be kept private. The information you give will only be used for this questionnaire and it will not be passed onto anyone else.
22 1. Did you fill in this questionnaire for yourself or for someone that you work or volunteer for? These answers are mine These answers are on behalf of someone __________________________________ I don’t want to say 2. Which part of Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland do you live? Write the name of your ward/village/town ____________________________________ 3. Please write the first part of your postcode like this: LE1 _____________________________________
3. What is your age? Under I do not want to say 4. If you have a disability, what type of disability do you have? A mental health condition A learning disability/difficulty A Physical disability Can not see very well or not at all Can not hear very well or not at all Long term illness or disease I find it hard to move or carry things I find it hard to remember I get tired very quickly Social or behaviour difficulties Other disability I do not want to say 5. What is your gender? A woman A man Transgender I was born a man and now I am a woman. I was born a woman and now I am a man. I do not want to say 23
This could be about who you would choose as your partner. This could be a man or a woman or both 6. Which of the following options best describes how you think of yourself? This could be about who you would choose as your partner. This could be a man or a woman or both. Bisexual Heterosexual / Straight Gay Male Lesbian / Gay Female Unknown/unsure I do not want to say 7. What culture do you come from? Asian or Asian British White or White British Chinese Arab Black or Black British Mixed dual heritage Gypsy/Romany or Irish traveller I do not want to say Other _________________________________________ 24
8. If you are a woman, are you currently pregnant or have you given birth in the last 12 months? Yes No I do not want to say 9. What type of relationship are you in? Single Married / Civil Partnership In a relationship Partnered / Living with partner Separated Divorced Widowed / Surviving partner I do not want to say 10. What is your religious identity or belief? Baha’i Buddhist Christian (Including Church of England, Catholic and all other Christian denominations) Hindu Jain Jewish Muslim Sikh No belief I do not want to say Any other religion or belief. please write ___________________________________________ 25
11. Do you look after, or give any help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others because of: Long-term physical or mental-ill-health/disability Problems related to old age No I’d prefer not to say Other, please tell us …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… 12. Do you have a long-term health condition which sometimes gets worse and requires urgent care? Yes No I do not want to say 13. Are you a carer? Yes No I do not want to say 14. Do you find it hard to carry out your daily activities because you have a health condition or illness which has lasted, or is going to last, at least 12 months Yes – Tell us more about it No I do not want to say 26
Thank you for doing our questionnaire.