Colorado Lottery Tracking Study The Hispanic & Non-Hispanic Market Differentials May - July 2011 (W1 & W2) for Colorado Lottery by Simon Jaworski
3 3 Key Findings (1) Hispanics engage with Social Media more than non-Hispanics, specifically YouTube, Twitter and MSN, (although Hispanics also skew younger). Hispanic respondents have greater playership numbers than non-Hispanics significantly higher for Scratch Games. Hispanic respondents also express their plans to purchase CO Lottery games in the future more strongly than non-Hispanics. Hispanic respondents are significantly more likely to purchase CO Lottery tickets at convenience stores than non-Hispanics. Hispanics are more likely to be driven to purchase Scratch Games tickets by a ‘lucky’ feeling, than any other factor, significantly higher than non- Hispanics. Hispanics are significantly more likely to participate in the Scratch Game Second Chance Drawing, than non-Hispanics.
4 4 Key Findings (2) Hispanics are more driven to play Powerball when jackpots are higher, and are also significantly more likely to increase their spend as jackpots increase. Hispanic respondents were more likely to state their ‘preference for Powerball’ as a key driver for deciding not to purchase Mega Millions. Hispanics (55%) express a greater likelihood to purchase (Top 2 Box % Definitely/Probably buy) Bonus Millionaire Raffle than non-Hispanics (37%).
5 5 Recommendations 1. 1.Hispanic players love the Colorado Lottery. They are heavier Scratch Game players and they over-index at buying through convenience stores, but are their needs being met? Are there specific Scratch Games and Ad campaigns directed at this market? Is there enough point-of-sale materials in Spanish language in convenience stores? 2. 2.‘Feeling lucky’ is a large component of Hispanic’s Scratch game purchase ideals, and there should be further investigation of how this can be utilized effectively as a theme in either advertising or point of purchase material, either in English or Spanish The Scratch game second chance drawing should also have a Spanish ad campaign as Hispanics are more likely to take part in the drawing There is also an opportunity with the Bonus Millionaire Raffle, to attract more Hispanics to play Hispanics appear not to have fully embraced Mega Millions, with a lack of understanding/preference for Powerball currently preventing some players from trying the game Hispanics claim to play more as Powerball jackpots increase. The Lottery should ensure that awareness of higher jackpots reaches all demographics within the state of Colorado effectively. There is potential for effective use of Social Media with a younger Hispanic market.
6 6 Second Chance Drawing, Social Media & Main Lottery Benefits
7 7 Second Chance Drawing: Awareness & Participation Q5.Are you aware of the Second Chance Drawing that the Colorado Lottery runs, which allows players to submit their losing Scratch tickets for an opportunity to still win prizes from a separate drawing? Q6. Are you likely to participate in a Colorado Lottery Second Chance Drawing? Awareness of Second Chance Drawing Likely to Participate in Second Chance Drawing Hispanic(N) (n = 125) Non-Hispanic(O) (n = 471) Hispanic(P) (n = 117) Non-Hispanic(Q) (n = 484) Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Hispanic(N) (n = 125) Non-Hispanic(O) (n = 471) Hispanic(P) (n = 117) Non-Hispanic(Q) (n = 484) O Q N Q Hispanics are significantly more likely to participate in second chance drawings. However, the 2 nd chance drawing campaign has been a strong success among all groups in Wave 2.
8 8 Social Media Websites Used Q7.Which of the following Social Media websites do you actively use (or visit frequently)? Facebook Yahoo YouTube MSN My Space Twitter LinkedIn Google-Talk Do not follow / visit Social Media websites O O O O Wave 1 Wave 2 Q Q p Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level Q Facebook if the No.1 Social Media platform across Hispanic and Non- Hispanics in Colorado. Hispanics over-index on using YouTube and MSN.
9 9 Main Benefits of CO Lottery for the Residents of CO Q11.When you think about the Colorado Lottery, what are the main benefits for the residents of Colorado that come to mind? Wave 1 Wave 2 Funding for/maintenance of parks & recreation, open space, outdoor projects Money/Chance to win money/get rich/Win money to help finances Money goes toward education/schools Money for state/Colorado/state projects/government Other Don’t Know Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level O Q n n p Hispanic N (n=125) Non- Hispanic O (n=471) Hispanic P (n=117) Non- Hispanic Q (n=484) There is a strong opportunity to clarify some confusion as to what the main benefits of the Colorado Lottery, across both Hispanic and Non- Hispanic markets. O
10 Lottery Playership
11 CO Lottery Games - Playership Among Ever Played Colorado Lottery Playership levels among ‘Ever Played’ are similar between the Hispanic and Non-Hispanic markets. Q13.Have you ever played any of [these] Colorado Lottery games? Ever Played CO Lottery Games Hispanic (N) (n = 125) Non- Hispanic (O) (n = 471) Hispanic (P) (n = 117) Non- Hispanic (Q) (n = 484) Wave 1 Wave 2 Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level
12 CO Lottery Games - Playership Among Ever Played Colorado Lottery Hispanics over-index on Scratch Game play in Colorado, compared to Non-Hispanics. However in W2 Non-Hispanics playership is lower than W1. *Base=Respondents who have ever played CO lottery games Q14. Which Colorado Lottery games have you ever played? Scratch Games Powerball Lotto Mega Millions Cash 5 MatchPlay Raffle tickets Wave 1 o o O O O Hispanic N (n=91) Non- Hispanic O (n=371) Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level Wave 2 Hispanic P (n=89) Non- Hispanic Q (n=357) q p Total – All Waves Hispanic A (n=180) Non- Hispanic B (n=728) B
13 Hispanic/Non-Hispanic Outlets Where CO Lottery Tickets Purchased Regularly The Hispanic players are more likely to play at Convenience Stores than Non-Hispanics players. Q18.From which of the following outlets do you regularly purchase your Colorado Lottery tickets? Convenience Stores Grocery Liquor Stores Restaurant/Bar Other Outlets O n Wave 1Wave 2 Hispanic N (n=125) Non- Hispanic O (n=471) Hispanic P (n=117) Non- Hispanic Q (n=484) Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level Total – All Waves Hispanic A (n=242) Non- Hispanic B (n=955) B a
14 Issues Faced at Lottery Retail Stores Both Hispanics and Non-Hispanics claim that the key issue faced at Retail is that ‘Scratch Games they wanted were unavailable’. This is issue is certainly more prevalent among Hispanics. *Base=Respondents who have played CO lottery games in the past year Q19.Which, if any, of the following issues have you faced at Lottery Retail stores over the past year? Scratch Games you wanted to play were unavailable Store clerks/employee had little knowledge about games Drawing Game terminals were not working Scratch Game tickets in the dispensers were not visible Lottery Game instructions were unclear Incorrect numbers were displayed at location Other None of the above Wave 1Wave 2 Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level Hispanic N (n=85) Non- Hispanic O (n=324) Hispanic P (n=84) Non- Hispanic Q (n=309) o o
15 Reasons for Never Playing CO Lottery Non-Hispanics who have never played CO Lottery are significantly more likely to feel lottery games are not worth the money *Base=Respondents who have never played CO lottery Q21.Why have you never played the lottery?
16 Key Reasons Why Play Lottery Hispanic respondents are significantly more likely to be motivated to play CO Lottery games to win some money, to try a new game and to join co- workers in an office pool Lower case letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level *Base=Respondents who have played lottery in past year Q22.Which of the following are key reasons why you play the Lottery? c c c c
17 Mean Rating: o q 3.70 Likelihood to Purchase CO Games in the Future Hispanics claim they are significantly more likely to purchase Colorado Lottery tickets in the future compared to Non-Hispanics (which is consistent across both waves). 5-point scale where ‘5’ means Definitely Purchase and ‘1’ means Definitely Not Purchase Q23.How likely are you to purchase Colorado Lottery games in the future? Top 2 Box: 71% B 64% 73% 66% 70% q 62% O Wave 1Wave 2 P Hispanic (N) (n = 125) Non- Hispanic (O) (n = 471) Hispanic (P) (n = 117) Non- Hispanic (Q) (n = 484) Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level B Hispanic (A) (n = 242) Non- Hispanic (B) (n = 955) Total – All Waves
18 Scratch Games
19 How Often Play Scratch Games Hispanic’s play Scratch Games more frequently than Non-Hispanics. *Base=Respondents who have played Scratch games in the past year Q24. How often do you play Scratch games? Would you say you play? Hispanic (N) (n = 70) Non- Hispanic (O) (n = 217) Hispanic (P) (n = 61) Non- Hispanic (Q) (n = 218) Wave 1Wave 2 Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level O N Hispanic (A) (n = 131) Non- Hispanic (B) (n = 435) Total – All Waves B A
20 Amount Spent on Scratch Games… Hispanics and Non-Hispanics spent roughly equal amounts on Scratch Games, the last time they played. …Last Time Played *Base=Respondents who have played Scratch games in the past year Q26.How much did you spend the last time you played Scratch games? Mean: $10 $11 $12$10 $8 $11 p o Hispanic (N) (n = 70) Non- Hispanic (O) (n = 217) Hispanic (P) (n = 61) Non- Hispanic (Q) (n = 218) n Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level Wave 1 Wave 2 p Total- All Waves Hispanic (N) (n = 131) Non- Hispanic (O) (n = 435)
21 Amount Spent on Scratch Games… Overall, Scratch Game spend by Hispanics is slightly higher than Non- Hispanics, although this has varied between waves. …in Typical Month *Base=Respondents who have played Scratch games in the past year Q27.Approximately how much do you spend on Scratch Games in a typical month? Mean: $25 $22 $30 O $18 $20 $25 B Hispanic (N) (n = 70) Non- Hispanic (O) (n = 217) Hispanic (P) (n = 61) Non- Hispanic (Q) (n = 218) Wave 1 Wave 2 O O Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level N Hispanic (N) (n = 131) Non- Hispanic (O) (n = 435) a Total- All Waves
22 Hispanic/Non-Hispanic Importance When Deciding to Buy Scratch Games Hispanics are significantly more likely to buy a Scratch Game if they are ‘feeling lucky’ compared to Non-Hispanics. This information normalized in W2 and should be researched more thoroughly. *Base=Respondents who have played Scratch games in the past year Q30.Please think about the last time you bought Scratch games. Below is a list of reasons that may or may not have been important to you in deciding to buy these Scratch games. Please check whether each reason was important or not important in deciding to buy the Scratch games. I had spare money I saw the scratch tickets I felt lucky I saw a lottery sign I remembered the advertising The sales clerk mentioned it Reasons for Deciding to Buy Scratch Games O Wave 1Wave 2 Hispanic N (n=70)* Non- Hispanic O (n=217)* Hispanic P (n=61)* Non- Hispanic Q (n=218)* Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level TOTAL Hispanic W1 & W2 A (n=131)* Non- Hispanic W1 & W2 B (n=435)* B
23 Prize Amount that is a Winning Experience for Scratch Games Hispanic’s, on average, have higher winning experience goals than non- Hispanics. *Base=Respondents who have played Scratch games in the past year Q32.When you play Scratch games, what prize amount do you have to win before you feel like you have had a winning experience? $ Prize Amount that is a ‘Winning Experience N Hispanic (N) (n = 70) Non- Hispanic (O) (n = 217) Hispanic (P) (n = 61) Non- Hispanic (Q) (n = 218) Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level Wave 1 Wave 2 Total- All Waves Hispanic (A) (n = 131) Non- Hispanic (B) (n = 435) N O
24 Multi-State Games Powerball
25 Importance When Deciding to Buy Powerball Hispanics definitely have a greater affinity with ‘feeling lucky’ than non- Hispanics in terms of deciding when to buy Powerball tickets. Base=Respondents who have played Powerball in the past year Q36.Please think about the last time you bought Powerball. Which, if any, of the following reasons was important or not important in deciding to buy Powerball? The Jackpot was high I had spare money I felt lucky I saw the Powerball tickets I saw a lottery sign I remembered the advertising The sales clerk mentioned it Importance When Buying Powerball Wave 1Wave 2 Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level TOTAL Hispanic W1 & W2 A (n=117)* Non- Hispanic W1 & W2 B (n=419)* Hispanic N (n=66)* Non- Hispanic O (n=213)* Hispanic P (n=51)* Non- Hispanic Q (n=206)* O O B
26 Hispanic/Non-Hispanic At What Jackpot Amount Do You Begin Playing Powerball Hispanics and Non-Hispanics start to play Powerball at similar levels. *Base=Respondents who have played Powerball in the past year Q37.At what jackpot amount do you begin playing Powerball? Size of Jackpot Doesn’t Matter Mean : $65M $59M $80M O $59M $46M $58M O Wave 1Wave 2 Hispanic (N) (n = 66) Non- Hispanic (O) (n = 213) Hispanic (P) (n = 51) Non- Hispanic (Q) (n = 206) Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level Hispanic (A) (n = 117) Non- Hispanic (B) (n = 419) Total- All Waves
27 Jackpot Amount Spent Hispanic’s and Non-Hispanics spend at similar levels in terms of increased spend as Powerball jackpots grow. *Base=Respondents who have played Powerball in the past year Q38. Do you typically spend more on Powerball tickets as the jackpot grows? Do you typically spend more on Powerball tickets as the jackpot grows? Hispanic (N) (n = 66) Non- Hispanic (O) (n = 213) Hispanic (P) (n = 51) Non- Hispanic (Q) (n = 206) Wave 1Wave 2 O Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level N Hispanic (A) (n = 117) Non- Hispanic (B) (n = 419) Total- All Wave s
28 Multi-State Games Mega Millions
29 Reason for Not Buying Mega Millions Ticket Current Powerball play is probably holding back some Hispanics from trialing the Mega Millions game. However, unfamiliarity with Mega Millions fell in W2 among Hispanics. *Base=Respondents who have played Powerball and not played Mega Millions in the past year ** Small Base Sizes Q51.In the PAST YEAR, you said you have played Colorado Lottery’s Powerball game, but not the Mega Millions game. Both games are very similar, being National Jackpot drawing games, so what is the main reason you have not bought a Mega Millions ticket? Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level
30 Lotto
31 Amount Spent on Lotto… Hispanics and Non-Hispanics spent at similar levels on Lotto, the last time they played. …Last Time Played *Base=Respondents who have played Lotto in the past year Q44.How much did you spend the last time you played LOTTO tickets? Mean: $16 o $6 $6 $10 O Hispanic (N) (n = 55) Non- Hispanic (O) (n = 166) Hispanic (P) (n = 39) Non- Hispanic (Q) (n = 162) n Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level Wave 1 Wave 2
32 Amount Spent on Lotto… Hispanics and Non-Hispanics spend at similar levels on Lotto, in the past month. …in Typical Month *Base=Respondents who have played Lotto in the past year Q45.Approximately how much do you spend on LOTTO in a typical month? Mean: $18 $17 $14 $17 B Hispanic (N) (n = 55) Non- Hispanic (O) (n = 166) Hispanic (P) (n = 39) Non- Hispanic (Q) (n = 162) Wave 1 Wave 2 O O Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level N
33 Millionaire Raffle
34 Non- Hispanic (Q) (n = 357*) Hispanic/Non-Hispanic Likelihood to Purchase Bonus Millionaire Raffle Hispanics are significantly more likely to play Bonus Millionaire Raffle than Non-Hispanics, across Waves 1 & 2. Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level Capital letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level *Base=Respondents who have ever played CO lottery games Q57.How likely are you to purchase a Bonus Millionaire Raffle game from the Colorado Lottery between April and July 2011? Mean Rating: 3.6 O Top 2 Box:55% 37% 40% 34% O O N Wave 1Wave 2 Hispanic (N) (n = 91)* Non- Hispanic (O) (n = 371)* Hispanic (P) (n = 89)*
35 Key Lottery Dynamics
36 Hispanic/Non-Hispanic Days of the Week Typically Buy Lottery Tickets In W2, Hispanic play was more in line with Non-Hispanic play than in W1. There still appears to be a large opportunity to increase Tuesday play among both groups. Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level Lower case letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Capital letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level *Base=Respondents who have played games in the past year Q61.On which days of the week do you typically buy Lottery tickets? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday O o o Wave 1Wave 2 Hispanic N (n=85)* Non- Hispanic O (n=324)* Hispanic P (n=84)* Non- Hispanic Q (n=309)*
37 Lottery Statements – Agree – Top 2 Box % Hearing about local winners is a key driver among the Hispanic community, significantly more so than the Non-Hispanic market. Q63.On a 1 to 5 scale, where 5 is Strongly Agree and 1 is Strongly Disagree, please rate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following Lottery statements… It is unlikely that I will increase my spend on the Lottery in the future. The Lottery has been an overall benefit to the state of Colorado. The Colorado Lottery has been run honestly. The price of gas has directly lowered my spend on the Colorado Lottery. The state of the economy has had a direct effect on my Lottery spending habits. The lottery is an inexpensive form of entertainment. I am more likely to play lottery games when I've heard about a local winner. The chances of winning a prize in the Colorado Lottery are good. Top 2 Box Scores 5 = Strongly Agree, 4 = Somewhat Agree 1-5 scale O O n Q Note: Capital Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 95% confidence level Lowercase Letters indicate a significant difference across ethnic groups at the 90% confidence level Solid arrows indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 95% confidence level Arrow outlines indicate Wave 2 significantly higher/lower than Wave 1 at 90% confidence level Wave 1Wave 2 Hispanic N (n=125) Non- Hispanic O (n=471) Hispanic P (n=117) Non- Hispanic Q (n=484)