Study Hall Review your notes (Quiz Friday on Sound) Complete assignments for other classes. Read a book. Sit Quietly. Sharpen your pencils and go to your assigned seat NO Talking!
Warm Up (2 minutes) Explain how a tuning fork illustrates sound waves (explain in terms of sight, touch, and hearing)
Review (2 minutes) 3 rd and 4 th You are a sound wave; describe the path you take to reach the brain!
Sound in the Ear 3 rd and 4th The Outer Ear funnels waves into the ear canal where they strike the eardrum (middle ear). The eardrum vibrates, causing the tiny bones hammer, anvil, and stirrup to amplify, or increase, sound. These bones are attached to the cochlea, which changes vibrations to electrical messages which are sent through the auditory nerve to the brain where it interprets the sound.
How the ear works - animation m_E m_E
Station 1 1 st & 2 nd Blocks Only: Station 1: Completing Notes from PowerPoint
Sound and Volume – write these notes Volume- the loudness or softness of a sound that you hear.
Sound Waves – write these notes Frequency (Definition review: the number of cycles a waves completes in a period of time) More energy a sound has = higher its frequency
Sound – write these notes Frequency determines pitch Pitch definition = how high or low a sound is; due to how fast it vibrates ) Example: A tuba and a flute can both play the musical note “C”, however they sound very different because of frequency and pitch
Pitch and Sound – write these notes object vibrates quickly = high-pitched sound, high-frequency, short wavelength Example = flute has a higher frequency & pitch
Pitch and Sound – write these notes object vibrates slowly = low-pitched sound, low frequency, long wavelength Example = tuba has a low frequency & pitch
Sound – write these notes Something is heard when sound waves enter ear
Structures of the Human Ear – write these notes Outer Ear catches sound waves and funnels them into the ear canal where they strike the eardrum (middle ear) Eardrum is a thin, taut (tight) membrane which vibrates as sound waves strike
Structures of the Human Ear – write these notes As the eardrum vibrates, it causes tiny bones (the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup) to amplify, or increase, sound. These bones attach to the cochlea (a liquid filled chamber) which changes vibrations to electrical messages Messages are sent through the auditory nerve to the brain
Diagram of the Ear
Vocal Chords and Sound – write these notes Vocal chords produce sound. Larynx = the voice box. Trachea = windpipe (the tube that connects your lungs to your throat) The vocal chords vibrate to create the sound of the voice. Put your hand on your throat and hum…you are feeling your vocal chords vibrate!
Vocal Chords
Brain Pop Quiz With your ‘pinch strip’, select the best answer to the online quiz Good Luck!
Station 2 Station 2: “Reading articles with questions” You will check your answers in a SOLUTION STATION for: Reading 1 “High Sounds and Low Sounds” Reading 2 “Getting to Know: Volume and Pitch” Reading 3 “Playing Along”
Station 3 Station 3: “Discovery Ed” computer simulations and explorations Only complete Activities B & C (do not do activity A)
Cochlear Implants Stop at 2 minute mark Cochlear ImplantCochlear Implant
Felix’s Jump – Breaking the Sound Barrier q8o q8o
Sonic Boom
K-W-L Chart Completion Complete the “What I’ve Learned about Sounds” column “What I Know about Sounds”: “What I Wonder about Sounds”: “What I’ve Learned about Sounds”