TERRESTRIAL HABITATS Terrestrial Habitat: Plants and animals that live on land, are said to be living in terrestrial habitat. There are four types of terrestrial habitats. Deserts Mountain Regions Grasslands Forest
DESERT HABITAT Deserts are areas that receive very little or no rainfall. ADAPTATIONS IN PLANTS: Most plants have long roots that go deep in the soil for absorbing water. Leaves are either absent or present in the form of spines which help in reducing loss of water, as desert plants lose very little water through transpiration. Example: Cactus, have a thick , green fleshy stem covered with a thick waxy layer which helps to retain water and also carry out photosynthesis.
ADAPTATIONS IN ANIMALS: Examples: 1. Camel :have long legs that keep their bodies away from heat of the sand. Fat stored in hump acts as a food reserve, its broad feet helps in walking on sand without sinking, excrete small amount of urine and they do not sweat. 2. Rats and Snakes: They stay in burrows deep in the sand to stay away from the intense heat during day and come out during night time when it is cooler. Scales on the body of snakes help them in locomotion.
MOUNTAIN REGIONS These habitats are very cold and windy with snowfall. ADAPTATIONS IN PLANTS: The rees in mountain regions are conical shaped with sloping branches. Eg: Deodar, Spruce The leaves of plants are needle like in shape which helps rainwater and snow to slide off easily. ADAPTATIONS IN ANIMALS: Animals living in mountain and polar regions have thick fur on their body surface to protect them from extreme cold. Eg: Polar bears, Yak, etc. Mountain goat has strong hooves for climbing up rocky slopes of mounatins. Snow Leopard ha sthick fur on its body , feet and toes which protect its feet from cold while walking in the snow.
Snow Leopard and Mountain Goat
GRASSLANDS Grasslands are areas having grasses and lesser number of trees compared to forests. ADAPTATIONS IN PLANTS: Plants in grasslands have strong roots and flexible stems so that they cannot be pulled or broken by strong winds. They have small leaves to ensure reduced water loss. ADAPTATIONS IN ANIMALS: Deer is an animal that has strong teeth to chew hard stems of the grasses and also long ears to hear movements of predators.
The eyes of the deer are on the side of its head which allows it to look in all directions. It has long, thin legs that helps in running speedily away from its predators. Predators like Lion have long claws in front that can be withdrawn inside the toes, Light brown colour that helps to hide in dry grasslands and eyes in front that gives them correct idea of the location of their prey.
TROPICAL RAINFOREST Tropical rainforest have warm climate, with heavy rainfall throughout the year and dense vegetation. ADAPTATIONS IN PLANTS: Trees in such forests are of great height so as to reach the top to get maximum sunlight as very little sunlight reaches the ground due to dense vegetation. Plants at lower levels have big , broad leaves to absorb sunlight. ADAPTATIONS IN ANIMALS: Animals in order to save themselves from predators, change their skin colour to hide in the surroundings which is called camouflage. Eg: a sloth bear
Monkeys which live on trees have strong arms to swing from tree to tree. Birds like toucan have strong , curved beaks to crack open the tough shells of nuts. Toucan bird
Different types of aquatic plants and their adaptive features
OTHER ADAPTATIONS IN SUBMERGED OR UNDERWATER PLANTS The submerged plants lack strong water transport system and the water ,nutrients and gases are mainly absorbed through body surface directly from water. Roots very reduced or absent ,required for anchorage .
Animals adapted to live both on land and water: amphibians
Animals adapted to live both on land and water :Ex Frog Frogs are adapted to live in water as well as on land. Frogs have webbed back feet which help them to swim in water. Frogs have strong back legs for hopping and catching their prey.