Petri Dish investigation
agar A gelatinous material derived from certain marine algae. used as food for bacteria and as a thickener in many food products (carrageenan)
inoculate To introduce micro- organisms or infectious material into a culture medium.
The “Clamshell” method Turn the dish upside down when streaking to avoid germs from the air landing on the dish.
streak To make lines method of inoculating to make sure “germs” get all over the plate
Sterile Free from live bacteria or other micro-organisms: a sterile operating area sterile instruments. autoclave
Shape of bacterial cells a)Cocci - round bacterial cells. (cox-eye). b) Bacilli - rod- shaped bacterial cells. c) Spirilli (corkscrew) - spiral-shaped bacterial cells A B C
QHEIC-the Scientific Method QuestionHypothesisExperiment Interpret data Conclusion
Variables Independent Variables The factor that is purposely changed EX: The different locations to be swabbed Dependent Variable The factor that you expect to change as a result of what you purposely changed. EX: the amount of bacteria that grows
Procedure 1) Record the numbers of your dishes on your data chart and make sure the dishes are divided into A,B, C and D. Each group will get 1 dish. 2) Go to your first location and use your swab to gently rub the location. Rub the location for 10 seconds. 3) Invert dish,open quickly and streak the plate with the swab. 4) Repeat for other locations after discarding swab. 5) Remember to write down the location on your sheet.
The constants and the control Constants The factors that are kept the same in all trials 1. Swabbing method 2. Swabbing time 3. Temperature of room Control the trial that is not exposed to the varying condition EX: section D