CSC 212 – Data Structures Prof. Matthew Hertz WTC 207D /
Programming Environments Continue to use any system you wish Examples in lectures, labs will use Eclipse Link available on course web page I may be able to burn CDs as well I really like Eclipse and highly recommend it
Style Guide Good style helps when writing code Program logic becomes easier to follow Easier to read and fix errors Much simpler to start & stop work on a project Prevents many common errors Style includes two parts: Formatting and other code issues: optional Documentation: required
Indentation Always indent code within a set of braces Be consistent with size of indentation Nothing is more annoying than looking for the next line.
Indentation char _ [3141 ],__3141[3141];_314159[31415],_3141[31415];main(){register char* _3_141,*_3_1415, *_3__1415; register int _314,_31415,__31415,*_31, _3_14159,__3_1415;*_ =__31415=2,_ [0][_ ]=1[__3141]=5;__3_1415=1;do{_3_14159=_314=0,__ ;for( _31415 =0;_31415<(3,14-4)*__31415;_ )_31415[_3141]=_314159[_31415]= - 1;_3141[*_314159=_3_14159]=_314;_3_141=_ __3_1415;_3_1415= __3_1415 +__3141;for(_31415 = __3_1415 ;_31415;_ ,_3_141 ++,_3_1415++){_314 +=_314<<2 ;_314<<=1;_314+= *_3_1415;_31 =_ _314; if(!(*_31+1) )* _31 =_314 / __31415,_314 [_3141]=_314 % __31415 ;* ( _3__1415=_3_141 )+= *_3_1415 = *_31;while(* _3__1415 >= 31415/3141 ) * _3__1415+= - 10,(*--_3__1415 )++;_314=_314 [_3141]; if ( ! _3_14159 && * _3_1415)_3_14159 =1,__3_1415 = 3141-_31415;}if( _314+(__31415 >>1)>=__31415 ) while ( ++ * _3_141==3141/314 )*_3_141--=0 ;}while(_3_14159 ) ; { char * __3_14= "3.1415"; write((3,1) (--*__3_14,__3_14 ),(_3_ ,++_3_14159)) ; } for ( _31415 = 1; _31415< ;_ )write( 31415% 314-( 3,14),_ [ _31415 ] + " ","314" [ 3]+1)-_314; puts((*_ =0,_ )) ;_314= *" ";}
Braces Always use braces, even when not required by Java: for (int i = 0; i < n; i++); sum = sum + i; sumSquare = sumSquare + (i*i);
Braces Always use braces, even when not required by Java: for (int i = 0; i < n; i++); sum = sum + i; sumSquare = sumSquare + (i*i);
Increment/Decrement Operators Only use the ++ & -- operators on their own line (or in for loops) // What gets stored at each line while (++k < n) { a[i++] = (2 * i) + 6; b[j] = (j++ * j) - 1; c[j] = a[j] +++ b[j]; }
Statements Use variables to break up complex ideas // What is this computing? return ( (year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || ( (year % 100 == 0) && (year % 400 == 0));
Statements Use variables to break up complex ideas divisibleBy4 = ((year % 4) == 0); divisible100 = ((year % 100) == 0); divisible400 = ((year % 400) == 0); return (divisible4 && !divisible100) || (divisible100 && divisible400);
Comments We write programs in “code” It is not easy to read It is difficult to simplify some ideas Try reviewing your CSC 111 projects (or, even better, a friend’s CSC 111 project) Comments break up this code Provide simple English descriptions State assumptions and preconditions Explain outcome of section of code
javadoc Tool included with most Java compilers Automatically generates web pages for a class from specially formatted comments Includes space for every class, method, constructor, and field Makes using classes much, much simpler Requires little additional work
javadoc Comments Begin with /** and end at */ /** This is a javadoc comment */ Comment must immediately precede item Good /** x-coordinate of bottom-left corner */ public int x; Bad /** Example class that has no javadoc */ import java.util.*; public class JavadocError {... }
What To Say In javadoc Class What the class does How it should be used (Author, when written, version number) Fields Type of the field What is stored in the field & how this is used Assumptions about the field’s value
What To Say In javadoc Methods Describe what the method will do Explain what data will be return List important preconditions Explain significant postconditions Any details you think users need to know (Parameters, return value, exceptions)
More about comments javadoc is MINIMAL set of comments needed Also include comments within methods Describe how the method is supposed to work Explain why this works Makes your life easier when debugging!