FV_PPL LIA France-Vietnam Particle Physics Laboratory Under construction !
Initiative: F. Lediberder in summer 2007 History: –Since 1993: several international conferences in Particle/Astroparticle Physics in Vietnam VAST: Nguyen Van Hieu CNRS: Tran Thanh Van with Rencontres du Vietnam –Since 1994: annual Vietnam schools of Physics (VSOP) « QFT applied to particle physics and condensed matter physics » –Since 2000: Bachelor of Science in Hanoi Hanoi University of Sciences (Pham Quoc Hung) Université de Bordeaux 1 (Philippe Quentin)
–2007: School on Advanced Computing and Grid Technologies (ACGRID) IN2P3 : Vincent Breton, VAST : Vu Duc Thi –Since 2007: Master 1 and Master 2 « Nuclear Physics and Applications » Hanoi University of Sciences (Ha Thuy Long) Université de Bordeaux 1 (Philippe Quentin) –2008:16 doctoral students in Nuclear and Particle Physics in IN2P3 laboratories
Scientific project –Nuclear Physics Nuclear structure, nuclei far from stability and applications to astrophysics: theory-experiment Electrostatic accelerator in HUS and applications (biomedicine, radiation therapy, …) Low background radioactivity, gamma-ray spectroscospy and applications to environmental studies Plasma laboratory in University of Danang
Scientific project –Particle and astroparticle Physics Cosmic ray research at AUGER: Pierre Darriulat established a small laboratory, VATLY, at VAEC ATLAS collaboration: based on several Vietnamese doctoral/post-doctoral researchers in Europe Precision calculations for LHC processes: Ho Chi Minh City-Hanoi-Annecy collaboration
Scientific project –Grid technologies and applications Vincent Breton (LPC Clermont-Ferrand), Vu Duc Thi (IOIT-VAST Hanoi) Improvement of Grid infrastructure in Vietnam Avian flu alert and monitoring system Telemedicine, implementation of HOPE platform developed at LPC and data base Data base for chemistry and bioactivity of Vietnamese natural products
Training program Specific to LIA FV_PPL Organisation of annual schools opened to other (South-East) Asian countries VSOP Vietnam School of Physics (P. Aurenche, CNRS; Nguyen Anh Ky, VAST) Based on 14 years experience. Students from Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, … Professors from Europe, Korea, Japan, India, … Selection of students for fellowships, CERN Summer Student Program.
Training program ACGRID School (Vincent Breton, IN2P3; Vu Duc Thi, Tran Van Lang, IOIT-VAST) Hands on teaching. Cooperation with Taiwan for GRID access. School on accelerators (Alex Müller, IN2P3; Dang Quang Thieu, VAEC) School on Nuclear Sciences (Philippe Quentin, Univ. de Bordeaux; Hoang Anh Tuan, VAEC)