American Government Constitution Paraphrasing Article 1
Section 1 1.Bicameral Legislature
Section 2 1.Reps serve a two-year term; Electors must meet the same qualifications for the state legislature 2.Reps must be 25 years, 7 years a citizen, reside where you represent 3.Reps determined by population; census every ten years 4.Special Elections for vacancy of seats 5.HoR chooses their officers; sole power of impeachment
Section 3 1.Two senators from each state; one vote each 2.Continuous body 3.Senators must be 30, 9 years a citizen, live where you represent 4.VP is Pres of Senate, casts tie breaking vote ONLY 5.Senate chooses own officers, President Pro Tempore 6.Sole power to try impeachments; Chief Justice presides when President of US is tried 7.Max punishment for impeachment is removal from office, liable for conviction after removal
Section 4 1.Legislature sets time and place for congressional voting 2.Congress must meet at least once each year
Section 5 1.Each house makes their own rules, majority of members constitutes quorum 2.Each house disciplines own members, expulsion on 2/3 vote of members 3.Congressional Record 4.No adjournment of either house for more than 3 days without the agreement of the other house
Section 6 1.Congressional pay; Congressional immunity (can not be arrested or detained for what they say on the house floor) 2.Can not serve in two branches at the same time
Section 7 1.All revenue bills must start in the HoR 2.Bills must be approved by both houses to be sent to the Pres. Pres has four options: 1.Sign 2.Veto 3.Do nothing (>10 days – becomes law) 4.Do nothing (< 10 days – pocket veto) 3.Joint resolutions (veto overrides) hold the power of law (2/3 vote of both houses)
Section 8 1.Tax, Taxes must be uniform throughout nation 2.Borrow 3.Commerce 4.Naturalization, Bankruptcies 5.Coin money, weights and measures 6.Punishment for counterfeiters 7.Post Offices and Post roads 8.Patents and Copyrights
Section 8, cont. 9.Inferior courts 10.Piracies and felonies on the high seas 11.Declare War, rules of capture during war 12.Raise and support armies, two year allocation 13.Provide and maintain Navy 14.Military justice (UCMJ) 15.Federal calling up of National Guard 16.Governing structure of National Guard
Section 8, cont. 17.Exclusive jurisdiction over federal lands 18.Necessary and Proper, elastic
Section 9 1.Action on Slave trade banned for 20 years 2.Habeus Corpus can not be suspended unless insurrection or invasion, or public safety requires it 3.No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto law 4.No tax on each person (see Amd. 16) 5.Exports not taxed 6.No federal preference for any port, pro-open market 7.No money from treasury unless by law 8.No title of nobility or payment from another state while in service to US
Section 10 1.States cannot enter into international agreements, declare war, or act as a nation- state 2.No interstate taxation from state to state 3.States can not make war with other nation- states, or keep standing armies