EU-Büro des BMBF PT-DLR Königswinterer Str Bonn Tel: 0228 / Fax: 0228 / Science & Society Euroopa Liidu 6. raamprogramm avakonverents "5-ndast 6-ndasse" , Tartu Kathrin Stratmann EU-Bureau of the Federal German Ministry of Education and Research
Background June 2001: Council Resolution on Science and Society MS and COM are asked for initiatives December 2001: Action Plan "Science and Society" September 2002: 2nd Specific Program "Structuring the European Research Area"
A New Focus FP 5 IHP-Program: Raising Public Awareness of Science and Technology Ethics / Gender FP 6 2nd Specific Program - Chapter: "Science and Society" "mainstreaming" Action Plan
1.Promoting scientific education and culture in Europe 2. A science policy closer to the citizens 3. Responsible science at the heart of policy making 38 Actions 9 Clusters ("open coordination")
FP - Objectives Bringing research closer to society –scientific advice, governance, reference systems Responsible Research and application of science and technology –ethics –uncertainty Steppig up the science/society dialogue; Women in science –S&T culture, young people, science education and careers –women & science
Possible Activities Networks Conferences, seminars, working groups etc. Prizes and other flagship actions Methodologies development and research Research in ethics Information, communication and dissemination
Instruments Coordination actions Specific support actions Specific targeted research projects Calls for tender (public procurment)
Calls Open, horizontal call (17-Dec-2002) Call "Deepening the understanding of ethical problems" Call "European Science Week Initiative" (17-Dec-2002) Call "Science Education in Europe" Call "European Platform of Women Scientist" Invitation for submission of Expressions of Interest (EoI)