LaBamba by Gary Soto Review
What had Manuel volunteered to do? Why? To perform in the school talent show by pretending to sing along with a record. He volunteered because he wanted to enjoy the attention that comes with performing.
2. What happens during rehearsal? Manuel is startled by his friend’s loud trumpet playing and drops the record, causing it to become scratched.
3. How is Manuel’s performance different from what he imagined it would be? Manuel’s performance runs into trouble when the record gets stuck. He has not anticipated inspiring laughter in the audience.
4. How does Manuel feel about his performance after it is over? At first, Manuel is embarrassed by his performance because he thinks he has looked ridiculous in public. But later he feels successful when he realizes that people thought that he had a great sense of humor.
5. At the beginning of the story, how does Manuel feel about having volunteered? How can you tell? Early in the story, Manuel seems to be nervous about being in the show. He asks himself why he ever volunteered, which shows that he wishes he didn’t have to be in it.
6. Why does the author describe the problem that arises during rehearsal? By describing the record player problem, the author helps heighten Manuel’s anxiety.
7. How does the author show that Manuel does not know how the audience responds to his act? By revealing the questions and confusion in his mind when people praise him.
8. Why does the author have Manuel remember his experience in first grade during Science Week? What does this show about Manuel? Manuel’s remembering his problems with the flashlight shows why he is nervous about the show, and why, from his early experiences, he is afraid of looking foolish.
9. The author shows Manuel being very embarrassed in front of everyone 9. The author shows Manuel being very embarrassed in front of everyone. What might Manuel learn from this experience? Manuel turns what at first seemed like an embarrassing situation into a triumph. This is the kind of experience that could help him grow as a person.
10. What did Manuel’s friend Benny suggest about Manuel’s act? He suggested Manuel dance while he sang. Manuel decided it was a good idea. Ritchie Valens
11. Why doesn’t Manuel tell his parents what he will do in the talent show? Manuel wants to surprise them.
12. Why does everyone love Manuel’s act? It is funny when the record skips. click record
13. limelight the center of interest or attention
14. flail to wave or swing, especially swiftly or violently
15. debut a beginning, as of a career or course of action; first public appearance
16. coordinator one who brings people or events into proper order
17. hygiene practices that support good health
18. classic serving as a standard, model, or guide, because of excellence or lasting appeal
19. intently in a focused way; with attention
20. mingle to join together; mix
21. jargon terms used in certain art, science, or other field that may not be understood by outsiders