Staff Science PD Session Two
Programme 1. Today’s session 2. Opening Experiment 3. Science: What is it all about? 4. The Science Exemplars 5. Where to next?
Purpose of today To explore and use the science exemplars and ponder their potential. To promote hands on teaching and learning of science at LBP. Overall Goals To raise the profile and interest of science with students. To raise student achievement in science. To make teaching science as easy and fun as possible.
Science: What is it all about? Mr G
The Science Exemplars What are exemplars? According to the New Zealand Ministry of Education (MOE), “An exemplar is an authentic example of student work annotated to illustrate learning, achievement, and quality in relation to the levels described in the relevant national curriculum statement. Each exemplar highlights significant features of that work and important aspects of students’ learning” (MOE, February 2002, p. 1).
The Science Exemplars The science exemplars aim to help teachers answer the question "When you are teaching science to your class, what do you want your students to learn?" Each exemplar indicates the intended outcomes for the learning it describes and relates these outcomes to one or more "big ideas" in science.
The Science Exemplars Atatu –an activity about Milk Purpose: to record observations and ask questions which can be investigated. Akoranga – an activity about Shellfish, Seaweed and things, Purpose: to group animals according to their differences and similarities, and develop an interest in the world around you. Be prepared to explain why you have grouped these creatures together. Akonui – an activity about dissolving sugar crystals. Purpose: to plan an investigation to answer a question using a fair test approach.
The Science Exemplars Does your groups result meet the progress indicators for your activity?
The Science Exemplars How can the exemplars and/or matrices be used to improve student achievement in science?
The Science Exemplars What difficulties could you have using exemplars in your teaching?
The Science Exemplars How could you overcome these?
The Science Exemplars The Science Exemplars have the potential to: Clarify the progression of a concept across the levels. – refer to the Matrices of progress indicators. Clarify specific assessment criteria terms associated with science. Prompt teachers to plan tasks that focus on process (e.g., investigation) as well as content. Prompt teachers to more closely attend to the ‘what has been learnt today’ rather than ‘what have I taught today’. Provide a rich source of ideas of ‘good teaching resources’ for areas that a teacher may have avoided because of insecurity with content knowledge.
Where to next? Science Week in early Term 4 Please check out the LBP science site for ideas and resources.LBP science LBP Science curriculum to be reviewed. Final PD session: Talking and Collaboration in Science... Coming to a staffroom near you this summer.