Name all the European Countries you can.
Why Explore? Up until the late 1400s, Europeans knew nothing about the lands or peoples of America.
Who were the first Europeans to Reach North America? Hint: They were fierce, seagoing people from Scandinavia.
The Crusades The Crusades were a series of wars aimed at conquering the Holy Land (places in the Middle East connected to Jesus Christ).
Results of the Crusades Results of the Crusades: Shipbuilders in N. Italy learned a lot about sailing and building ships. Merchants increased their trade with the Middle East buying silks, spices, and cotton. Crusaders returned home with tastes for foods of the Middle East such as rice, oranges, and dates. Increased travel made Europeans more aware that there was a world out there that was amazing and waiting to be seen.
Other Reasons for Exploration… In 1450, the printing press was invented and made more books more easily copied. – As a result news and information spread more quickly, making people curious to explore. Some countries like Spain and Portugal were gaining strength and becoming more united after years of warfare. Europeans were eager to increase their power through trade. The Italians and Arabs controlled the only way into Asia- the Mediterranean. Other countries wanted in on the action! New instruments, the magnetic compass, helped sailors find their location at sea.
So why were the Europeans exploring? 1.To seek a passage through or around the Americas to the Far East. 2.To find gold, silver, and precious gems, as well as other luxuries like silk. 3.Establish new claims to new land. (like monopoly) 4.To spread Christianity to the uncivilized non-believers. 5.To find adventure 6.To establish posts for trade and create colonies to get access to natural resources.
So what did the Europeans want with America ?
The Portuguese The Portuguese wanted to control territory and cultivate their sugar crop
Famous Portuguese Explorers Portuguese explorers include: Ferdinand Magellan Vasco da Gama Magellan- 1 st to go around the world Vasco da Gama- discovered a route from Portugal to the East.
The Spaniards Spain wanted to control territory Find gold, silver, sugar, and indigo Convert Indians to Christianity Stay powerful
Famous Spanish explorers included Hernando Cortes, Francisco Pizarro, and Juan Ponce de Leon. Famous Spanish Explorers Hernando Cortes- conquered Mexico and the Aztec Empire Francisco Pizarro Conquered the Incas of Peru Ponce de Leon- 1 st European to set foot in Florida
But what about the Guy who sailed the ocean blue in 1492? Christopher Columbus was not Spanish, but possibly Italian (historians still debate this). He was hired by the Spanish king and queen. He was actually Italian! Cool Fact- He got the credit, but the New World was actually 1 st discovered by Amerigo Vespucci!
The French The French wanted to compete with Spain. Gain fishing rights through trade in order to trap furs( which were earning $$$) Wanted to convert the Indians to Christianity
Famous French Explorers The famous French explorers included Jacques Cartier, Jacques Marquette and Samuel de Champlain. Jacques Cartier- explored Canada Jacques Marquette discovered the Mississippi River with Louis Joliet Samuel de Champlain founded the city of Quebec
The Dutch Wanted in on the fur trade and they became rivals with the French.
The English The English were VERY interested in the New World for: 1.Religious reasons- England has an official religion- The Church of England. 2.Political reasons- political unrest and government tyranny. 3.Economic reasons- the New World offered opportunities to get rich, own land. 4.World domination- compete with Spain.
Famous English Explorers The famous English explorers were referred to as pirates and privateers by their enemies. The most famous English explorers embarked on their voyages of discovery during the Elizabethan reign of Queen Elizabeth I. The most famous English explorers included Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Francis Drake, and Sir John Hawkins.
Sir Walter Raleigh The Discovery of Guiana and establishing the Virginia colony of Roanoke Island in 1584 Sir Francis Drake Circumnavigates the World Sir John Hawkins Voyages to West Africa and South America